Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I haven’t done this since getting L3 abbrasive then all stamina pills for 2 weeks straight hahaha

Any new vídeo about the new Corsair 3 ? Grinding, bossing, mercenary… ( I already saw the oldests here)

Fatal Fart


Was there a patch in Korea that granted players 10% additional defense per rank? I was trying to discern how this player’s defensive stats were possible given their equipment:

Insanely high defenses (3’000 physical, 2’600 magical) while only using four Nuale cards, common gear, hats that lack magic/physical defense (a different video shows the stats of the one she has equipped), and no armor Transcendence sans T1 Grynas Leggings. Heck, they’re even using Agni Necklace which provides no magic defense at all.


@Veritas Yes, they received 10% additional Mdef and Pdef per rank. It is the same in JTOS. We have yet to see this update on ITOS.



That makes sooo frigging much sense so we can keep up with the monsters (m.)Atk growth. I just wish they did something to the imbalance between monsters def and magic def now.

nothing to see in this week’s ktos maintenance …

So let me get this straight :
First they give monsters ugly amounts of atk/matk, only to add in another patch that counteracts that by increasing players def/mdef to crazy amounts… what was the point of monsters having monsters high atk/matk in the first place?
IMO they could just remove the def/mdef bonus per rank aswell as reduce the crazy atk/matk increase of monsters, it would end up in a similar result, without any stupid atk-increase/def-counterincrease-squabbling.

No one should be upset about stats scaling with rank. It makes the game easier to balance.

do you really think it makes sense monsters making 10k damage with no way to counter that? defense in this game is WAAAY too expensive in itos, this patch just makes sense to make it easier on us.
You essnetially can’t get good mdef without nuaele cards.

I think you misunderstood me. I did not mean that monsters having superhigh atk without any way to counter it should be ok.

My point was that increasing monsters atk to stupid levels like 10k atk is pointless if shortly afterwards the developer is giving players likre +80% def at Rank 8 with a patch, making the increase of monsters atk pointless.
The more sensible thing, if monsters atk is too high, would be to just lower monsters atk to a point where we don’t need that extra rank-dependant def bonus in the first place.


That’s not completely true.
Increament of base damage while giving players multiplier for defense gives more value to gear. I guess IMC wants that you don’t get easy mode on every character with just trash gear in highlevel content - which is good imho.


inb4 everyone hits 1 in pvp except for DoTs and Dethrone-tier skills.

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If you look at different way. con/spr scale with rank now…

if they scale crit rate with rank too. str/dex will be better. (more crit rate = less dex = more str)

What I don’t like is that it further increases Nuaele’s OPness…
Not like I’m expecting good balancing from imc anyway :>

They could also make Grey Golem % now. But whatever. o.o

that’d be cool, having 4 gray golem and 4 nuaele.

I readed in some Q&A some time ago they said was working in improve armor effectiveness per rank achieved.

Don’t know but sounds a nerf coming to nuaele card with this since they removed the % from Nuaele card tool tip.

I’m with @Sayurichan on this. It does a couple of things.

  1. It invalidates any form of difficulty (cheap, lazy, dirty? difficulty) they introduced with r8. So now do we extend EZ mode from 1-200 to 1-280?
  2. It makes the game EVEN MORE PUNISHING to invest in gear. Tradable blessing shards made it easier to focus on a set of gear. But this update makes higher tiered gear even more valuable because of the base stats you get to multiply with.
  3. It further invalidates lower lv content. We have interesting lower lv gear that we can’t use at higher lvs anymore even though they are interesting. The only “interesting” thing we get at higher lvs is the manahas set because it does something more than + stats (but even then this is basically just the “new cafrisun”).

If I could jam my interesting but lower lv gear into bland higher lv white gear just like monster gems, then that would be great. But I can’t.

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