Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

For the cuteness, dude. I can’t resist

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hoho cute ! I like this hahaha !

I hope they add all the latest hairstyles this week thou :heart_eyes:

hope that they add EVERYTHING else with it

New 170 (old 145)

3467xx > 672xxx

10 min for around 330k silver


am sad

not many of us can upgrade/lv330 like in the video

lv200 scout3 prolly gonna use 45min to clear dun145(170)


appriciate if u could post dun130

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Is this new mission?

saalus not new , been some time already.


wow FF

^ lol she farted hahaha


lol nice catch on that.

So Feather foot now is Fatal Fart?

Thanks for this! I’m super glad with my build now… I can’t wait for this update to come to my country :smiley:

Any info on the new boss drop?

how is it so bro? HP value only increasse by 5k per mob (somewhere around 15-20%) while the silver gain is like 100%. You can stop in the middle of the dungeon and still pocket the same amount of bling-bling.

EDIT: sorryyyyy… I misread the information. Turns out the silver gain is the same :stuck_out_tongue:

still 330k silver, but mobs hp raise from 30k+ to 60k

my scout just lv200 with lowbies +5khasti lv5 green gem…

i canot do 20k per hit like in the video…

its gonna increase 30min now to 45min farm time…

its okay, huehuehue~
no more lowbies farmer anymore… awaiting dun130 information

it’s actually just 40k isn’t it (3~ 5k more.)

I have a slightly off-topic, or maybe on, question.
Do Koreans still complete the 2x Pendulum Gimmick in Evac, and if so, has it been changed to only give Stamina Pills?

I noticed that it only gives me Stamina Pills since the last maintenance, could it be a current tweak in kToS that we got early in iToS? [similar to reduced 240 DG Silver gain]

PS: The reason I’m asking is because I’ve done this Pendulum gimmick since it was introduced and I’ve never had an entire week yield nothing but 2x Stamina Pills per day (normally I’ll get Lv1/2 Gem Abrasives at least).

I’ve been doing it even now, it still gives level 1,2 and 3.

but yes, it seems to have been tweaked.

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Thanks, I needed someone else to confirm otherwise.
All three (3) capable characters that I ran there, gave me nothing but Stamina Pills for 5 days. Nothing as horrible as that outcome has ever happened to me before.

I meant to say 290 by the way :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah, you’re not the only one worrying

the guy also asked

I wonder if they really lowered it and by how much if yes

or you know, maybe we all just got rnged

my 2 characters today though got 1x Lv1 /1x level 2 / 2x stamina pills.

Hmm, looks like the chances of getting a Stamina Pill was increased. I roughly figured that it was 50% SPill / 35% Lv1GA / 10% Lv2GA / 5% Lv3GA based on my enormous sample size (not hard numbers, just an observation).

Kinda feels like Stamina Pill was set to over 50% now.