Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Tfw this is the first time that a swordsman costume looks the best in a costume set. The male one is phenomenal.

@muitenphale1995 your welcome

What are you talking about, I see swordy costume best in almost all sets
T_T …and here I am …an archer…

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Of course we are talking about personal preference but normally Wizards and Clerics receive all the love. And yeah…Archers are always ew :[

Uaahhhh! Thanks for those pics! So cute!! Finally a male cleric dress that isn’t super long or has boring patterns! :ok_hand::heart: And it’s fluffy… damn dies Archer is great too!

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I won’t buy that xmas archer costume. No xmas gift for archer. only my healer will get her xmas gift this time :sob:

Let’s talk about this:


Some love for Rogues? Totally 1 skill class.

*fixed for you


Soon I hope… :frowning2:

I know this like the third time i ask this, but, how much money does drop the 170 dun now? please :slight_smile:

Sadly I haven’t asked for it, and I’m talking about costumes…not pvp balancement :unamused:

When the IMC listens to its players - I sent an email with this assembly that I made some time ago.

Now I found this in the database:


May I ask where you found those? Datamined?

GM also listen to my sunglassespopolionface proposition (I think).
GM Mango told me that there will be soon new emotes and premier gesture for the game :3

But soon… Soon tm.
He didnt confirm sunglassespopolionface buy if there is one, I would be happy, since it means they listen to their players like you say.

Enough white popo’s in EU :sob:
1x Shout white popo face => chain reaction, every hour

@zordagoth I’ll take white popo over mooo’s shout blabbering every day, remember mooo? :confused:


Hey at least it’s friendly :stuck_out_tongue:

I prefer our EU’s hourly

than the permanent hateful shitstorm that was CBT2

@greyhiem the guy’s still around, mostly talking non-sense to himself as usual. He just ran outta megaphones i guess

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Cleric c3 costume changed heal effect


@Mupy_brTOS That mount/pet increases player max HP :slight_smile:


I will go mad if IMC put xmas costumes into gacha this time

i wouldn’t mind since i don’t pay a penny for anything ever. So if they put it to gacha, you guys will keep pouring $$$ into the game and fund it for me while i won’t pay anything :slight_smile: