Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Some big changes on tomorrow’s patch:

  1. EXP gained on Instanced Dungeon / Mission will be doubled
  2. The amount of available runs of Instanced Dungeon / Mission per day will be changed from 5 to 2 ( 3 for Token users)
  3. The amount of silver dropped by bosses on level 290 dungeon will be reduced by 20%

(These changes only apply to normal missions and dungeons, Earth Tower, Saalus, Uphill Defense, Fantasy Library mission excluded.)

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Itos > Ktos patch


forcing ya all to farm 145 :sunglasses:

what he said V[quote=“elzeraus, post:3423, topic:321901”]

much satisfaction.
even tho we got nothing in these past two iToS patch updates


abuse the red lavernzerg while he doesn’t attack you!

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Wait, that means we will never have 5 daily dungeons

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Yes sadly.

We did have it only for 2 days LOL.


They are getting the number of runs decrease, yes…but exp-wise (for token users) they are receiving a 6 runs worth of experience on those 3 runs since the exp will be doubled…

They are just nerfing the amount of silver and drops received per day :rolling_eyes:

Pretty please bring the double exp rate asap :>

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It’s a little disconcerting seeing Grim Reaper scaled to this degree. His old files only had him at 6.7m HP with high defenses and twice the damage power of all the other endgame bosses. The 35/F boss has less than half the HP and half the damage and defenses. IMC literally just overtuned the last fight like crazy.

The sheer magic defense alone will disqualify anyone that doesn’t have insanely high investments for reinforcements and transcendence. The wizard in the video is using a high transcendence orange 315 weapon. They also recycle the Reversi mechanic from previous floors here as well with mob swarm mechanics and two sub-bosses.

Solmiki is a pretty tough escapade on the way up, but it reaches terrifying levels at the last floor.

That Korean team did not have Stone Skin, interestingly enough. They have Ausrine, Missile Hole (two, just in case), and Revive as their defense assets. Somewhat surprising overall, but still good since it’s double Chronomancer.

I saw the video earlier.

I believe they could have cleared it, but the last misplay was keeping Grim Reaper on top of the Wizard about to be resurrected, who died almost inmediatly after, specially after the’ve been kitting it for Ausrine cooldown perfectly. Though fight.

jTOS already got miko and agni necklace new optimization.
kTOS also got class reset scroll as a event reward.
iTOS got bug server lag client crash etc.


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Wow, IMC. Just wow.

I guess we will be able to buy it with exchange vouchers converted from exchange medals for like 5k TP.

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Looks like atari got IMC’ed after all those months of arguing class reset isn’t coming :smiley:

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Well, it happens ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

It took them 6 months to turn 180 degrees. This reminds me how open beta became early access.

IMC’ed :slight_smile:
<3 Huehuehue

Didn’t it got hinted like 3 months ago. And also mentioned to be worked on?

Class reset would only be useful to meta players, that are decided already to waste big chunks of money on the game. So it wouldn’t surprise me if it gets a way to be adquired (Either Medal exchange with a really high price or an one time purchase pack)

It’s a pay for convenience feature, since you avoid the need to reroll a character, but i don’t see it providing any extra benefit. Since we already can create FS chars quite easilty thanks to Exp tomes x8 and Dungeon Clear vouchers.

wait so is ktos being nerfed to itos level?
or is itos level of being imc’ed being brought over to ktos?

either way, IMC will still be winning wallets?

maybe IMC is trying to ween out their wallet population some more?


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probably itos being brought over to ktos
…there’s quite a few of ideas from itos been implemented to ktos other than this one (if you didn’t noticed yet)

“The international players are complaining that we favor the Korean version with stuff like double the number of dungeon runs!”

“Oh ■■■■ we better solve this, let’s make the Korean version shittier that’ll make everyone happy.”

Classic IMC.