Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Oh, I didn’t knew that ! I thought the buffs were really flat and that was the reason why everyone was complaining about them.
But if it scales with SPR and has a % attribute, it can be really nice and stay strong even high level !
Thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

Is paladin nerfed ?? really¿?

Look, I’m not judging how “you like to play”, nor I support the overheat change (I’m affected by that change too).

I only think that moving away from “one button wonders” would have been good, if it was applied to all classes.

I’m honestly disappointed by the cryomancer melting a boss with 3 hits of the same skill, as I thought those days were gone.


Skill spam is just a way to fill time between cooldowns like autoattacks. The only difference between QS3 Running Shot and Scout3 Split Arrow spam is that QS3 focuses on single target DPS and Scout on multi-target. They could just as easily have made it a buff that gives you bonus autoattack damage and causes autoattacks to bounce, instead they decided to radically change class design.

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I know, I have a bokor that will be affected by that overheat change too. I was using effigy as a filler and it was kinda nice, now they completely changed it into a burst like split arrow.

I would even have been ok with that, but then I see that cryomancer three hitting a boss with the same skill…

This resonates with me so much (I even made a thread for it here). Take note this is exactly what happened with [limacon].

you mean in the current patch on ktest? Well it should be like this way.

finally a good fencer

Only Difference between Cyclone and out of Body is that Out of Body sucks.
They could’ve just made out of body amazing.

Give them a break on this one. With the Dex changes, Auto attacks are supposed to be the filler. Only exceptions I can currently think of are Thrust and Double Punch. Thrust doesn’t work with dex IIRC and Dable paunch has to make up for well 3/4 ranks of no physical skills

You’ve clearly never played Taoist or PD2 if you think Cleric is low DPS in PvE.

Did I say low? I’m pretty sure my exact words were ‘not the highest’.

Are you even talking about the state of ktos at this point?

Because cleric (aside from a few exceptions) isn’t in a good condition over at ktos, esp the int builds got hit hard with the changes.

No you didn’t, but they also can be the highest. There’s videos of Clerics soloing solmiki DPS checks for crying out loud.

Bunch of vids.




Anyone ‘can’ be highest.

110k Hail…Someone told here “Forget about big numbers in the old system.” Hinting us that in the new system the numbers would be much smaller.

Maybe it’s time to say: “Forget about small numbers in the old system”?

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Welp, continuing my tests on Sorcerer on kTOS test server…

They really changed the ‘focus’ of Sorcerer, it seems. Which is not that bad now that I am getting better equips/things.

My Templeshooter hits for ~2.4k each hit on same level mobs. It’s a good damage overall, but every familiar hits for ~5-8k x15, Desmodus for ~10-16k x2, and Evocation for ~20-30k damage. It’s interesting to see that the Circle3 skills are now useful.

But Riding got gutted imo. There is no good reason to use it imo now… maybe I will change this idea when I get some better equips.

Another thing that I am feeling is that the cube drops of the 280+ Hunting Grounds are reeeeally low. Hunting there for more than 8 hours, I got only one cube. Or I am really unlucky xD

And I don’t know if it’s documented or not, but… Con increases how much HP pots heal. With a 2200 heal pot, with 1 Con, I heal for 2200, and with ~170 Con, I heal 4000.

Show me a sword or wizard soloing solmiki then

Damn I didn’t know clerics can literally solo Solmiki and not just the first floor where the only thing you have to do is kill a bunch of trashmobs

Time to make one then, never liked the community in this game enough to party up with them

converted cleric main here btw

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Wait, was this officially launched on KTOS?

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