Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Looks almost too good really. Very nice sustained damage without being cyclone-centered. No more spin-to-spin Doppel, gotta play it with a proper rotation of skills.

Any news on the def gained on riding? Are they keeping it or not?

full spr, based on other videos it can double summon damage and then you can still raise the damage by a good weapon with the 50 % matk bonus.
SPR equipment can raise your summon damage even further, and this is all even without riding so it seems pretty good to me :slight_smile:

It’s not actually all that potent when you consider the defense of higher level mobs.

That may be true but that’s why I said ‘slight adjustments’ I like how the damage for summoning is calculated now so I’d rather them just buff the current ratios if they’re not sufficient enough.

Those hanamings have near-zero defense and the numbers against them are still weak, so that sorc will be hitting like a wet noodle against high level high defense enemies. The other sorc video, with high MATK, showed riding doesn’t do very much and the MATK scaling is too low.

The damage without SPR is pathetic and doesn’t cut it against weak squirrels even when the sorc had high MATK. You’re basically not allowed to play sorc without full SPR now, which means no stat synergy with non-summoning classes, you’re a glass cannon who can’t take hits while riding and can’t use classes with close-range skills, and can’t survive in PVP. If you dedicate all your gear to SPR instead of getting the stats other classes get from gear, you’re gimping yourself even further. But even with SPR, it seems like a whole party of sorcerers wouldn’t beat one doppel.

A bunch of other classes have been wrecked by the changes they made in recent ktest patches, and it seems like the first draft would’ve given more build variety. The main goal of this rebalancing should be to make as many classes as possible strong and exciting so people won’t feel like “the build I wanted to play still sucks, so there’s no hope for this game.” That doesn’t seem to be the case on ktest and this isn’t ready to be pushed to live servers.

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We dont know bosses skill factors. There is a guy riding a shadowgaler hitting 20k per tick using its skills on level 290+ mobs.

I never said that it isn’t. But the damage calculation is different so it might not be that bad on higher level monsters.

From what I remember from the initial balance patch MATK bonus with riding wasn’t that great. But with SPR riding damage was pretty good, and obviously with good gear it would be even better.
Information provided by that video is not sufficient in my opinion.

I quite disagree with some things here. For instance I don’t think full SPR gimps the synergy with other classes. INT still isn’t that important so with good gear you’ll still be able to deal decent damage with other skills.
When it comes to taking damage and being class cannon sorcerers still get a nice defense boost from riding. Not to mention HP is higher after the change so lack in con is not that bad.
I don’t see why anyone would dedicate all their gear stats for SPR. In some cases it’s smart to go for the SPR in-exchange for some damage but in many cases it might not be.
In pure damage it won’t beat doppel and I don’t think it should. It has different things to offer than just damage, like defense boost with riding, cat buffs etc.

I do agree with sorc being quite bad without SPR but I don’t mind that. In my opinion it will be easier to balance them this way. It could be unfair if summons were strong and you’d still be able to have as strong skills from other classes.

I do agree with this completely. But then again from live servers they will be able to get data they won’t get from the test server but it’s still too early.

Did people find out how good other summons are?
Maybe Templeshooter is actually now one of the weaker ones and others got vastly improved. You shouldn’t judge Sorcs performance just because you almost always only see Templeshooters only because they were the prefered summon pre-update.

Unfortunately 99% of people who ever think about making a Sorcerer are just going to google “best tree of savior sorcerer summon” and go with the links from way back in beta that says Templeshooter is the only one that does anything and they’ll always be the first results no matter what changes.

Anyone know btw if homunculus or the converted mobs of paladin get anything from SPR? :x

Welcome to typical Korean rock paper scissors balancing. It probably won’t change unless they introduce diminishing returns which I doubt will ever happen.

Also I do agree with you.

The fck is this

Look at the ammount of INT and Matk, jfc


Well they did say they were doing PVP rebalance after the combat rework. Anything is possible. We never thought they’d fix the shitty skill scaling but they did it.

After the initial patch no skills or cooldowns were changed for summons so TS still had its spot on the top. Apparrently newest patch had some cd changes at least so would need to check other summons for sure. (Wish I had time to do that.)
Another issue with this is that there’s lots of summon cards players are lacking in comparison to live server.

Possibly we’ll see some videos soon from the live server. :thinking:

I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet and I don’t know if this is intended or not since I didn’t find a statement by IMC regarding this but:

Transcendence in kTest IGNORES weapon enhancement and weapon maintenance values.

In iToS, those values get multiplied by transcendence as well.
That’s a pretty big change and I wonder if this is intended by IMC or not.

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Hopefully it’s intented. Transcendence give so much value, even with the change. I would be happy if they remove that mechanic from the game but that probably never is going to happen.


Transcendence is the worst mechanic IMC introduced to this game…



This. Transcendence is one of the shittiest mechanics introduced into the game.