Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Me too, I wasnā€™t expecting a green icon from them.
Blindside feels like Feint 2.0.
I wonder if their OC/DC works like Thauā€™s swell and shrink on enemies, or maybe like Kabaā€™s level changing skill.
Forgery looks interesting tho.


( Ā“惻Ļ‰ćƒ»ļ½€ )ā€¦ cant MTL screeniesā€¦:sweat_smile:

thereā€™s already people become appraiser in test server w

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we need translators :no_mouth:

Gaiz pls. Hidden skill interaction testing.

True, this may be a quite a nice synergy for rogues if it makes mobs take hit as if you attack them from behind.

Tried my best with google translate. Wait for actual translator for more accurate information. :stuck_out_tongue:

Appraise: Open a store to appraise items. The higher the skill level, the greater the chance of adding sockets and potential.

Overestimate: Increases the level of your shield and secondary weapons of yourself and party members.

Lv 1, Cooldown: 50 sec
Increased strength 1
Duration 40 seconds

Forgery: Appraiser displays imitations of accessories he wears. Except for themselves, party members can use imitated items.
If you use the imitation, the effect will be applied onto your accessories.

Lv 1, Cooldown: 5 minutes
Imitating duration 60 seconds
Buff duration 180 seconds

Devaluation: A chance to change the reinforcement value and the transcendence value of equipment to 0.
Physical damage, magic damage, physical defense, and magic defense are reduced when enemy targets are monsters.
If used on a boss, reduction is halved.

Lv 1, Cooldown: 20 sec
Devaluation chance 50%
Apply up to 6 enemies
Phys/Mag damage 4% decrease
Phys/Mag defense 4% decrease
Duration 120 seconds

Blindside: (Missile) Use a magnifying glass to find the enemyā€™s weakness and attack. The attack will be a critical hit.
A target within a certain range based on the hit enemy, increases the change of being hit by a critical strike.
(The effect of attack is independent of the characterā€™s crit chance.)

Lv 1, Cooldown: 40 sec, 3 overheats
Damage 192
Attribute 0%
Minium critical chance increase
Duration 12 seconds


Appraiser is only rank 5 right? Well it would be easy to roll a new char just for the shop.

Appraise seems OP on the surface, need details on that skillā€¦

Well then, support class it is.


The KTOS 26/01/2017 Notes are available.
The KTEST 26/01/2017 notes are also available. ( but small)


thx soo much for the work do u have i hope u will not leave us :smiley:

the devaluation - a chance to change the enhance and trans value to 0. rather than ā€œmonthā€ ā€¦kek

Thanks for translations Gwenyth.

Game optimizations sounds great.

as for the attribute

Overestimate: Duration

  • Increase the overestimate duration by 1 second per attribute lvl (5)

Devaluation: Increase Chance

  • increase the chance for devaluation by 1% per attribute lvl (10)

Blindside: Critical Attack

  • increase critical attack for blind side by 5% per attribute lvl (5)

Blindside: Enhance

  • increase the damage for blind side by 1% per attribute lvl (100)

This one looks tricky tbh:

  1. Changes to Item Drop Methods
  • Item drop rates will gradually increase the more kills the player does to the enemy being killed.
  • However, this drop rate will reset back to its original rates under certain criteria.

Hope we can get more info regarding these ā€¦does it apply for all mobs in all maps? etc etc.

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ģ“ˆ, not % ? :stuck_out_tongue:

It should be for all mobs, however itā€™s difficult to discuss since itā€™s just on the test server which already has modified drop rates to it, hopefully it can be ti tinctured enough to provide decent results for those playing on the official servers and hopefully partially abolish the DPK system.


right ā€¦lol got confused with others % .lol

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Traditional Costumes / Hanbok:



No class restriction

Corresponding hats:


Just another shop support. Pretty much not worth it :thinking:

Devaluation looks powerful.

'3. Changes to Item Drop Methods

  • Item drop rates will gradually increase the more kills the player does to the enemy being killed.ā€™


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