Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Really? I didn’t notice.

They don’t? my bad then. :joy:
well, they will get it before iTOS anyway so.

Maybe. jTOS didn’t announce it yet. But from the official iTOS message

The Voucher can be retrieved from the message box in your lodge until XXday, XX XX, 2016, at XX:XX (EST).

I can guess they want to give it on the next maint.

My my, moulinet is quite fast now.

japan getting free dungeons first?


this is pure racism towards international



brought to you by IMC
only in ToS
hue sold seperately free full

I’d be only mad after they had the time to debug those patches on those servers and still land here at iToS full of bugs.


Someone knows if guardian saint (cleric c3 skill) is caped by hit count on kTOS?

there are some new costume in KTOS right? If it s yes, then can someone give me some pic abt it xD

New costume??

I saw boxes

And some clay event - fb event

and some art, archer xmas costume example:


any info on the increased debuff level of wugu poisons? can it still be countered by antidote in tbl?

Yes it can still be countered by antidote.

that’s really sad :frowning:



Yes, it has 3 hits per skill level limit.

Just curious, what does the new poison debuff level add to the wugushi gameplay?

At PvE: no changes. Mobs could never resist poison.
At PvP: no changes. Antidote still removes poison.


Just as i thought. Classic IMC.

Thanks for the reply!

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A wugu at pvp, applies poison => deals 3k damage per tick for 2 seconds => still cleansed by antidote…

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