Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Not saying that it needed a change, maybe poison mechanic is too OP for pvp if it cannot be counter measured. But why make a change to the debuff level in the first place if it will have no effect on the gameplay xD? I find it really stupid.

I think They change debuff rank. Because of skill like Cure. or Auto counter debuff like Prophecy.

if IMC plan to forbid potion/item in pvp/gvg in the future. since omamori of miko can’t use on pvp. only PD is a natural enemy for wugushi c2+.

They should allow both dispellers and antidotes in pvp or not allow either, but this is IMC so antidote is fine but dispeller isn’t. Thanks IMC.

  • New gimmicks added.

any info on what maps are the new gimmicks placed?

I wonder what is the common pet(companion) equipment in kTOS?

Leave it to Lostac he will find it hahahaha

Companion item slot equip info:
Velheldr : 1 weapon slot
Hoglan : 1 weapon slot, 1 armour slot
Guinea pig: 2 armour slot
Penguin (and other TP pet) : 2 weapon, 2 armour

Higher damage stuff = better.

Do falcons get item slots?

Thanks grey btw i know companion riders only benefit from sharing pets hp, eva and def.

Will the weapon equipped stats of pet also be shared to the owner/rider? hmm

but pet can only equip what owner equip right?

No, for example this falconer hunter gave his pet a rapier.
Fencer pet now.

@darkisredisdark Hunter3 and falconer3 have a special pet attribute. % of pet stats -> added as damage to pet skills. So it’s nice to increase damage. Especially at PvP, rushdog deals a lot of damage with gear. Rushdog ignores defence, and more.

Only hackapell, cataphract, reiter, lancer will get stats when mounted.

What benefit does the rapier give to the owner? based on the example

so tht means our pet can equip anything and use on any char? or only fencer with the pet will have the effect ?

Can companions take advantage of equipment effects?
Like Catacomb Blade’s +damage against plate or Ignition’s burn.


so 2 weapon slots mean you theoretically could equip 2 +x Five Hammers with 5 red gems on it onto your pet to make its attack skyrocket? Or is 2 weapon slots = 1 weapon +1 subweapon/shield?

This change makes me want to get a pet all of a sudden xD

From what I recall you can equip two main weapons, like two 2h swords lol.

If you’re referring to the video that showed rushdog doing 20k+ damage in PvP, that was a bug that’s already fixed. The bug allowed pets to have insanely high damage when equipped with weapons that has +elemental attack in it. IIRC the person in the video was using Elements spear on his pet.

It’s still a great attribute for hunters, but it wont make your pet deal insane damage or anything.

We might get the same old ktos version with bugs. We received the hengestone druid crashbug too. Fixed today though.


woah hunter class really need tp pet then = ="

they hit harder than me