Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Inb4 a Rank 9 class gets a melee running shot that makes DWA imbalicious

no they’re not. they will be the latest army of bots in every map. a passive pillage to ensure RMT sellers will gain a 200% increase income.

Just came in…

SR + elem (their comp as always) still king of ET.

Sarcasm intended (R.I.P Doppel)


edit2: is that pyro??? at first at thought it was elememe

wow. that is a cleric2 krivis3 diev3 doing ausrine melstis combo by himself.

edit: i didnt see the inquisitor there, my bad. so clearing et with ausrine and melstis is still a thing then? i thought it would be easier with priest3 stone skin and missile hole

i assume this is wrong,

the other guy was Cleric2, Priest3, Diev3, inqui

the other might be Cleric2 priest2 kriv3 oracle1 (notice his last class? yep thats priest)

what really caught my attention since his last video was their mage. that 110k damage

assuming he still runs the same party as before (1f-20f)

Archer2 - Ranger3 - SR3
Wizard3 - Pyromancer3 - Sorcerer - Necromancer
Wizard - Cryomancer3 - Chronomancer3 - Sage
Cleric2 - Krivis3 - Dievdirbys - Priest2
Cleric2 - Dievdirbys3 - Paladin - Oracle - Inquisitor

The standard bread and butter. They swap out meme for nerco + pryo aoe



SR3 with melstis ausrine still the King of ET.

that pyro though… heuheuheu

It’s a clutch. I see that coming the moment they had agni though…

It pretty much core and “100% safe” meta is run any thing with Krivis and Diev and you will get through it as long as you have enough dps…

Normally with a additional chrono. IT pretty much mean you are limited to only 2 DPS.

And who are this 2 dps normally that hits truck load or aoe will be fine. That saying you can run various combo like Dragoon + doppel. Meme + SR . Nerco linker SR etc etc etc.

As long as you have 1 aoe , 1 support offensive / boss ramper. You are done.

SR remains as king of Aoe as what i mentioned. No one trusted me. Some even argue to me about how SR drops off. What.

yep, i run et with that comp too. a diev3 and a krivis3. you can cheese anything with those build lol. just need to find 2 reliable dps and you’re good to go.

sr has always been my favorite dps too, since you can extend the duration of retreat shot together with ausrine. really fit together with melstis party.

Squeezing 2 in 1 is fine as well too for the cleric but it’s abit overloading and will have some issue if shiet happens.

The krivis sacrificed alot to pick up p2 for 100% secure road on ET though.

Mostly will just pick taoist or something else.

Now i await if there is one in KR to show us meele can do that too.

you know its the King when a single bullet passes through 15 target (16 with divine might)

against a musket which can only hit 1 target (and bouce)

against a cannon that can’t even hit decent amount of targets

It’s ridiculous i know meh. I hope every one gets a balance on their roll at R9.
More distinguish class roles

Cannon is still kinda weak even with the boost. Musket still suffer issue it have since R7 lel.

Mergen is still pending judgement with hakka on R9.

They seriously also need to tune flat mechanics to % to balance off the whole shiet properly. rofl.

Anyone who can come out with a better picture of the trinity?

Pic related to all version of tos


so much for 80 classes!


Their reason for swapping out meme:

[Elem-warlock] is not good for [Solmiki].
Because the [Fly] monster comes out from the 11th floor.
Going to the 30th floor is not a problem

Power of agni neck & chappa card & melstis ausrine :smirk:
and SR aoe

The SP recovery comp though.
Pala restoration, diev statue, sorcerer cat buff :neutral_face:
Prolong SP pot with melstis too.
Infinite SP recovery ~ pyro was channeling %SP cost hell breath forever during grim reaper boss fight.


they just played that 10x better than the other comps. Very nice.

Edit: that pyro dmg

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I kinda understand why any way. Solmiki is Ele hell with all those flying.
That saying ele is on sleep mode till wl3 then.

The sp regen though lasted 3 good dam min also Nerco decay.

this, one notable characteristics i saw on their comp. summoning shoggoth for the decay. that massive 90k++ crit on pistol feels crisp. the most damage i’ve done with my SR was 50k++ (when it was strike attack, paired with rodelero and lethargy) which seems impossible now

i long for the day itos will start thinking outside of the box compared to its current meta now.

If the other classes provide stuff as good as meltis and austrine ( 3min of invulnerability)…

I think we can start our disscussion from there for choices else… this is pretty much the “highest efficiency/safe set up comp”

Stone Skin and Missile hole isn’t really enough sadly.