Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Max Attack not P Attack (works on P atk and Matk), AKA better than blue gems at high lvls.

For which class is the first costume?

For you


@MattBR I don’t remember, the character of the image is an archer class. Edit: Isn’t it reiter? Reminds me a lot of reiter


WA MY GAWD :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


looking forward to the ranger3 costume oh man.

So what are the best stats to try for headgear after the change.

I’m guessing HP/Physical Atk for physical classes?

Tos has (user-made)? items, I think. (old) I have seen the pad, and the charger.

Summary Please work. <<

The popoli doll too: Popolion pysical doll

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was everyone lagging out when the bus passing by ?

i bet the bus vga crashed


No lag in real life.

The bus seat instance capacity had been exceeded. The company decided to use 15% of the total amount of seats. Most of the people weren’t allowed to be seated, so several people could not get a ride. Luckily, they received a voucher to take the bus the next day, for free.

They had to cut down on seats to pay for the gorgeous ads on the bus.


i will welcome that ranger3 costume

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good to see a Swordsman in there. but 800k mob hp lul :joy:

seein those mobs casting magic missiles, glad to have them sage in the party. what if there is no sage hole? how much could those magic missiles be dealing damages? 4-5k each? instakill for anyone below 20k HP :laughing:

There’s at least two parties clearing 30/F on kTOS right now. The party in the video above has Devil, who was hotly contested as the strongest ToS player in terms of raw damage.

These mobs are no joke, and neither are the players you’re seeing. Their weapons are highly reinforced and transcended and they’re pushing damage stats absurdly high to make the DPS checks. The wizard whom you’re seeing on his own is pushing 2’800 magic attack to deal the damage he is dealing. They’re also making use of both Joint Penalty as well as Reversi scrolls.

Missile Hole and Stone Skin are keeping them alive. Those two skills are quintessential to survival to their composition.


Their preset summary thing is wonky. It’s better to use the old format one


<.summary> title of the summary/spoiler <./summary>

Text goes here


Take off the periods inside the . You don’t need to have it all spaced out like that. it can be on a single line. It’s just easier to see what you are typing with it all spaced out though.



i think there is a problem with bolded/italics with using the summary with both new and old formatting.

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Which Dungeon please? thanks in advance :wink:

detailed explanation please on new property update on headgears, I cant seem to understand this

It was in that thread I linked in the same msg… Not sure if people confirmed it.

Wew. I wonder what’s Devil stats.
It’s interesting they are running Dopple as a blendtec.

(Still mitigation is the key here since stone skin + missile hole = range+meele mitigation)

Emengard Shield is super op.

That’s some nasty geared Murmillo.