Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

I need to see the Ultimate Dimension debuff in action… Does anyone knows?

.o /
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Are we able to use ALL cleric skills during Lycanthrophy? does Carve/Monk Skills work?

probably ,djfbdyfsufsfsfdf

Do we know where to get Manahas set from yet?

how much are portiums in kTOS? did they ever impliment other missions/ways to gain the ore’s? with the new r8 weapons requiring 75 ore’s to craft can i assume they made other ways to get them other than the dead content fedi mission nobody que’s for?

They did not, and Portium sits at around 200’000-250’000 silver per ore on kTOS, at least it did a week ago.


thank you soo much @Veritas

what armors are players using there? do we get new one in the upcoming patch? I only saw the ET armors but other than that nothing after the virtov sets. will virtov still be effective until 330?

As much as I am jumping for joy inside for the new cafrisun set, it has me a bit confused. It only supports auto attackers, and we pretty much know from the inflated HP pools that auto attacking is not the way to go. Can we assume there will be more support for the auto atk playstyle in the future?

Nope, and that is why chaplain is screwed.

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Good for QS3s. They can get running shot up to 9 or 10 depending on if they wait for divine might and have gem on top of the new QS xbow. So… Full uptime 380-400% autos… Could share it with your party with a link2.

I wouldn’t mind having that buff for my necro… Give me something to do while my flesh cannon is on CD. And I’d be the link2. … I think that’s why I like QS3-better then ranger things… for archers.

What is the guild member cap in Ktos with the new level cap/rank 8?

See, that’s 1 sub class, 2 if you count chaplain. That’s basically an entire set for just 2 subclasses that are designed around auto attacking. The others are not. They do more damage not auto attacking (not to mention they don’t get locked in place because that’s what auto attacking does unless you are an archer).

Again, I’m happy because it affects my QS but as a whole this is confusing because it supports going against skill spamming (the most efficient form of dps so far).

Jumping attacks work for everyone. And don’t forget Warlock 2–whenever they fix drain. And awful novelty builds like Power Staff Pyr/Link/Chrono/Chanters!

It will be fixed when SADhu is.


Not for archers. I think that’s the trade off. Attack while moving traded for jump atk.

Worthless unless [drain]'s damage is applied to all lines of attack.

And just like you said “novelty”.

The only reason everybody uses cafrisun for early game is because:

  1. it is early game and nothing matters there
  2. [sacrament] and [blessing] boost the damage the additional line of attack does making additional lines of damage far superior to anything offered at early game.

Past 200 auto attacks are for “trash” mobs so unless IMC is hiding something for 300+ content. Designing with that in mind is “confusing” at best.

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Any news about Homunculos? Alchemist can selling them?

Do I need to add /sarcasm to everything I type… Are you actually getting frustrated here?

Sry I’m getting tired… it’s humor and snark… I get cranky when it’s near my bed time.