Tree of Savior Forum

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well, frost cloud is an Ele 3 (rank 6) skill as well as Isa. So they are conflicting rank-wise a bit while Linker 3 is a rank 5 class.

Is anyone having problems with summon servant from sorcerer? My cat is only giving me one buff >/

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From my sorcerer experience in cbt2. 1 skill lvl = 1 buff

EDIT: Not sure if thats supposed to be like that, but since its been like that for a long time I guess it is.

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How can i get emoticons? It is a quest? Im 175 already and did all main quests and mostly subquests, so i dont know where to find it.

As far I can tell, u get a chat emoji from the chest close to the barefoot girl (and the villagers) in Crystal Mine 3F. Idk about others, tho. However, if ure talking about the new animated emoticons, then u have to buy the VIP token sold in the TP Shop (or in the Market Place).

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That’s because the word for “net” in Latin is “rete,-is.” You can roughly translate it the name of the class as “trapper” or “catcher.”

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Which hidden quest? I can’t even find scarecrow in krOBT…

Hmm, cannot be more broken than Magic Missle + JP or Electrocute + JP. Depend on the CD ofc, linker is already good at aoe clear of 3-10 mobs. What it really need is a stand alone single-target ability like Fireball or Zaibas. I think clever use of Electrocute + JP can be good for single target but nowhere near the level of Fireball or Zaibas in term of hit counts/CD

Last I heard Joint Penalty doesn’t multiply AoE damage anymore, and only serves to extend it to unaffected monsters.
Kinda like an AoE ratio debuff that works really well on single target abilities.

What’s a good advancement from Quarrel C3? Rogue C3? Sapper/Cannoneer? Archer?

Certain ability with hits count like Electrocute, Magic Missile bounce and don’t hit everything at once like AoE ability. Thus, they provide immense synergy with Join Penalty. For example, Electrocute lv 15 hits 9 time and bonces to 9 target, making it 81 hits in total. If all 9 target are linked thru JP, it will be 81x9 = 729 hits in total, given the mobs don’t die after receiving 81 hits individually xD. That’s how I think it works
We are speculating that Hagalaz might have the same mechanic.

Edit: Actually after checking, I think Electrocute is not plain multiply. I think that normal electrocute, damage is reduced after each jump. With JP, all target receive the maximum damage + 50% from JP’s attribute, but the number of hit might not increase :\

Magic Missile actually multiply the hit thou, I believe.

so electrocute bounce is flat 9 since level 1? since the skill description only states about targets

From what I saw, it scale with level, so lv 5 4 hits, lv 10 7 hits and hopefully lv 15 9 hits. I only have lv 10 :\

so that “target” in the description means bounce? or is it?

In the description is the number of target which increases with level. Before it is always 4 hits, but recently it seems that the hits increase with level as well. So double scaling.

Edit: So I stumble into something interesting.
We know that:
(1) Magic Missile has 3 hits, then each hit bonces twice. The bouncing hits (3x2=6 of them) are considered Striking
(2) Lethargy attribute give 100% bonus to striking (currently not working)
(3) Frozen target take 50% more from striking ( Need more testing. People say it is 100% but from my experience it is around 50%)
(4) Joint Penalty distribute all hits of magic missile to all linked targets.

(1) + (2) + (3) + (4) = Hail/Cyro Freeze + JP + Lethargy (plz god, make them fix it) + Quick Cast + Magic Missile = Nuclear Nuke???

It is a lot of set up but might be practical when we solo/duo mission/dungeon

ighlander rooom… zuggh use sufu xD.

quick cast, lethargy, jp would be enough already.

1 Atk DPS*50%*100%*Spreed to all= 3 times the dps to all linked targets.
9 hits to all targets with 3 times dps= 27 hits of normal dps.

It’s quite nice.

But not that op xD.

Ahh and yes.
If you want to use electrocute.
Remember that the frozen attribute is only adding magic atk to it, without multipliers. (from the skill itself)

That isn’t how JP works and has never been the case. It isn’t just straight up damage * no. of monsters for every linked monster…

Did you even play/play with a Linker in iCBT at least?

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