Tree of Savior Forum

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are you running out of character slot? pet considered as 1 character

there is no ICBT3 or was I dreaming

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No icbt3 yet ;(

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i think so i have 4 character now with the basic lodge, might be the problem.

Awww :frowning: Hey can you guys let me know about the new companions, they introduced new companions in Kr version ?

Thanks for the heads up, manage to claim the pet by deleting 1 char :blush:

Well, I was wondering that myself the other day, what could happen if I had 3 characters and decided to make a fourth one who would use a pet, and since this seems to confirm what I thought, that it would detain the ability to have a pet, if all slots were filled (and thus, making a class thats totally reliant on a pet, useless), then thats really stupid and needs to change, IMO.

Well… doesn’t make them useless, just means you have to pay with TP :heavy_dollar_sign:

Doesn’t sound too fun to manage though, if you have a cata pet, hawk pet ( hawk pet actually takes a slot? ), pet for your cleric…

Highly doubt Rune Caster requires Wizard C3. Unlike Chaplain whose skills can only work with Priest C3, Rune Caster’s skills are pretty general and do not require any previous class skills, only that one attribute does and attributes are optional features to classes.

what’s going on in Ferdinand? a lot of monster scattered everywhere.

does it stack with with reflect shield too??

Ferdinand? You mean Fedimian City (@Vakarine Ch 1)?

I can’t tell if it’s a failed GM event or failed attempt at spawning aggressive monsters via an exploit.

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yeah Fedimian city. oww so you saw it too? i thought it was only me experiencing it.

If they keep adding beautiful outfits I’m going to have a huge budget problem. 9_9

5 dungeon instances, 7 crashes. It gets worse at every update ;-;

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Update: 8 Crashes in 5 instances. Is someone else having these problems with crashes? ;-;

Btw is someone else having problem with the pet not gaining any exp?

Someone knows why the Seal of Space item isnt working for me? I tried to put it in the hotkey and it is red now. I was near the rock with the symbol (Demon Prison 5).