Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Maintenance extended for 2 hours more;
You cannot claim your day 1 prize until the maintenance is complete;
New ETA: 2pm KST.

I am so glad i don’t have any classes tomorrow.

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wow from KRT 6AM until 2PM :smiley:

The translated patch notes now have information regarding skill cooldowns and a few other things:

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  1. Urgent Repair Kit has been added to the premium item list. ( Cost N/A)
    • Adds +5 Stamina to an item. (unconfirmed?)

Instead of stamina could this be durability? oO

durability, i changed it already though (refresh the page)

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Chaplain job rank updated from unobtainable to hidden cleric rank 5. Job change quest and relevant job data added as well.”

That’s a way to introduce a new class to the game lol, they just dropped there last minute lol

  1. Guild tower max lifespan is 1 week.

Damn IMC, going overboard with the money sinks there.


I have nothing to say about that

Level 160 instance dungeon changes:

  • mobs before: 600% hp, 120% atk, 600% exp

  • mobs after: 600% hp, 125% atk, 1000% exp

  • bosses before: 12500% hp, 140% atk, 3000% exp

  • bosses after: 7000% hp, 200% atk, 5000% exp

do you think we worth to run 5/5 at that dungeon?


Why yes, it has increased EXP, so totes worth.


Gaaah… moving is kind of a pain… it takes away from playing games. Meh.

@Ryouji Welcome back, love! :tada::balloon::confetti_ball:

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@Gunnr Thanks~ =D I officially move starting tomorrow, but packing. Ermahgerd. Plus side, though… for the past year my internet has had a data cap of 30 gigs per month up/down. Now I can have up to 300 gigs. =D (Caps still suck, but at least it’s 10x what I have now. And better speeds.)


So charming~

Welcome back! :grin:

Thanks, you. =D You went and got almost level 100 without me, lol.
It’s fine though, I’ll catch you. You can’t escape the Paladin Priest and my Divine Justice!

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Is the skill shoggoth from necromancer still looking like it did in icbt 2 ? If not then how does it look like now ? Thank you

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Chaplain hidden class at cleric 5? Must have info on this!