Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

i have made a new pastebin for the changes made that were posted today;

The layout is currently a mess since it is written just from the patch notice, i’ve moved the skills into their respective family categories for reading convenience. the things that were added ( or at least 90% of them) in the lower portion of this post.

[ bugs ]

  • Being able to use Locked-in cards for Card Battles will be modified (TN : untradeable cards? - i’ve not played cards before)
  1. Corrected the problem where the Companion was in abnormal parts of the map in the lodge.
  2. When casting a skill that is unavailable for that weapon type, but you have the weapon available in your weapon swap slot. Using the skill will now automatically change weapon for you to use the skill. (Note: This was how i interpreted it, i don’t know if this is the case! )
  3. 델무어 성주 추격(2) Quest not remaining persistent with progress has been fixed.
  4. Problem where players were unable to learn the Kepa Emotion will be fixed.

[Skill changes] Updated

[Cleric Classes]

- Cleric: Divine might not correctly applying to the skill 'Heal' has been fixed.
- Bokor: Fixed problem where cure caused zombies to stop moving.
    - Effigy not applying additional correctly has been fixed.
- Sadhu: Problem with bind effects not disappearing has been fixed.
- Monk: All skills animation speed increased slightly.
- Pardoner: Spell shop now has a maximum cap of Level 5. (Effects are added per skill Level)
- Pardoner: It is no longer possible to sell Dievdirby statue buffs via spell-shop.

[Swordsmen Classes]

- Swordsman based classes have received some animation time changes, Skill animations will now be cast slightly faster than before.
- Barbarians: Fixed problem where a barbarian could throw NPCS/Monsters away with Giant Swing.
- Rodelero: Slithering Cooldown has been reduced.
- Hoplite: Synchro Thrusting: Now can be used twice (overheat) and the cooldown has been reduced.
    - Throwing Spear: Cooldown Removed. Now it's based upon whether the spear is on the ground.

[Wizard Classes]

- Alchemist: When preparing a potion via Tincturing, the materials will be added. (to the bowl animation?)
- Cryomancer: Snow Rolling not properly preventing monsters from moving will be fixed.
- Wizard: The missile hit rate for Magic Missile will increase.
- Thaumaturge: Fixed problem where using Enlarge skills didn't increase class EXP gained.

[Archer Classes]

- Fletcher: SP Cost for all skills have been reduced by 20%.
- Quarrel Shooter : Deploy Pavise now has a chance to apply bleeding to the enemy.
    - A chance to bleed attribute will be added.
- Scout: Casting range on Flare shot has been increased slightly.
- Scout: Perspective distortion skill effect is now based on the skill level used.
- Ranger: Critical Shot SP cost reduced.
- Rogue: Vendetta Cooldown has been reduced.
  1. F11 will now open the collection list where you can see your collection items. However, you still have to visit the Magic Association NPC in order to register items.


  • Zombies not gaining increased stats in proportion to the Bokor’s INT will be fixed later.



Boy! I hope thats true! That would make things a lot easier. lol


You know if press and hold Z it will use AA at max speed, right? and goes for mouse either.
Latency problem only affect skills and corsair’s AA because they need to hold off hand atk and spam Z.

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I hope so too ~ the truth and what i am dream reading sometimes blend together haha

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In the pastebin there is: “- If attempt to cast a skill used whilst riding on the companion that is not usable whilst mounted, you will now automatically use the skill after dismounting from the companion. ( It will be cast without additional keystrokes)”

So the character will now dismount automatically or the skill will be used later when you dismount?

Your character should now dismount automatically without having to press the dismounting key and use the skill. what key is to dismount? ( I don’t know it )

Seems so. We can be Reiters Musketeers w/o issue now! \o.o/

Or Sapper Reiters :v

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Or Sapper Reiters Musketeers!

  • during mounted status When attempting to cast a skill that is not usable whilst riding a companion, Your character should now dismount automatically without having to press the dismounting key and use the skill automatically.

would this be better ?

I think it is. It could be interpreted as “I’ll use the skill after I dismount like even after 20 seconds later or so” (which is doesn’t make any sense but…).

I’m now thinking in replacing Cannoneer with Reiter ;-; but I think I won’t.

This is really exciting. I wonder how noticeable the difference will be.

@lobokalir need your help for this one ; _ ;

someone might make a comparison with swordsman too

Double Punch Spamming Monk is comming, i believe on it!

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I’m a Cataphract so I’m gonna check the mount thing and if hoplite and cata received any animation changes (I only got buffs from swordsman).


preview of Hoplite C3


Sikes, IMC is really going ham.

They had enough of their shizzle.

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It was pretty much like this, before animation buffs xD

MT extended another 2 hours.

Aparently they are also adding in

2 new Costumes for the TP shop. They cost 129TP Each

  • Swordsman Master Costume (Male Only)

  • Peltasta Master Costume ( Female Only )

i believe it also says that all classes can wear it, but i wouldn’t quote me on it. all swordsmen type :open_mouth: