Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I’d say they’re probably bots. I farmed TC B1 a while yesterday and saw various parties of bots logging in to every channel doing that the entire time I was there. There were also people cycling through all the channels in Miners’ Village killing everything from a distance via some bug…

I totally agree with that. Our full support build cleric just turtles me and whittles me down until I’m dead while I can’t even kill back cause of heals and revival @_@

I really happy that our steam ver. didn’t out yet. Alot of staff change/balancing since kcbt3 to the point that my last built didn’t a good one anymore. look like a test server lol.
(or maybe it actually is O_o!)

Dungeon Finder is a terrible feature. So much for being a spiritual successor.

wow really, one feature you don’t like and you throw the game out the window?

Here’s an idea, might be controversial, if you don’t like the dungeon finder, don’t use it

They never claimed the game to be a spiritual successor as far as I recall.

how does the dungeon finder work? is it automatic or like a search function for players?

I’m not sure. The patch notes are for the 7th. it is 3AM korea time right now, so it probably won’t be patched in for another 5 hours or so.

Does anyone want to run the level 90 dungeon with me later? I’m a level 96 Scout C1 (Archer C3).

where is the dfinder btw?

Any expviewer for kobt ?? :3

that’s nice.

But being held to crossbows only … makes it a bit of a waste in Circles.
Good for pure AA builds.

But my skillspammer feltcher might laugh at it xD.

Ahh and wait.

Remember, that your latency will affect atspd.
I have seen people atk with kneeling shot … an only half of the attacks registered.

You will need to have a good pc+ connection to make use of that.
Seemed kneeling was a bit bugge too at that point (when hits didnt register).

I think normal atspd is like.
buffed would be like 575.
And with that ws3 skill.
It should either be +60 (if it takes base) or +3xx.

Here’s an idea, don’t be a jerk. Play a single player game if you want to just robotically run through dungeons treating people like NPCs and using “I’ll never see them again” as an excuse to be a jerk.


I have no idea what you are talking about, and since you have decided to insult me, I’m not going to bother trying to figure it out.

I like how u complain about ppl being ‘forced’ to use crossbow only (which for a QS C3 is just fine), yet u brag about Fletcher, which ends ‘being held to 2h bows only …’ and ignoring the fact theres a weapon swap attribute.

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This is absolutely true. An online gaming community needs to treat everyone as part of the community and also strive to make sure that the best tools are provided to the community to keep it growing. Paying respect forward always gets you further than not.

However, I do feel @nojustnotos response was warranted, however silly. The person he was responding to was a troll. People crying, “I QUIT BECAUSE OF DUNGEON FINDER.” are probably better just ignored because they are just negative people to begin with. :smiley:

They’ve posted an updated version of what’s to come in the patch, i’ll update the pastebin soon with a new section


I know of that xD.

But the difference is easy.
Fletcher skills can be spammed and over with them.
You switch to another weapon and can use these then.

With that skill from q3, you will need to keep using cbows?
I doubt, that you can change and keep the buff … if you could. That would be quite powerfull.

As the attribute of cbows is def penetration only (only~ good against high def targets. Which is nice in itself. Mostly for bosses that aren’t flying type.).
Having an auto atk with 200% additional damage on a twohandbow … with flying type bonus dps.
I wonder how it would be calculated.

normaldps2+ normal dps2?
Or normal dps

If that worked with in that way … i might wanna test it out.
If the buff stays … that would be extrem for autoatk builds against flying types …

As that add dps … isn’t add def in itself but a atk buff in a way …

It was a sarcastic remark. Don’t have to take it so literal. :stuck_out_tongue:

So you are assuming people are going to quit because someone disagrees with a feature that has caused quite the commotion back in the day in multiple previous games? Interesting. :sunglasses:

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It pretty much is since they shut down their actual test server (which used to be the kCBT3 server). :laughing: