Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

wow, i step out for a bit then, BOOM
lots of delicious changes

Hi, I need help with this quest
It’s one of 5 subquests on Galeed Plateau I think, and this is the only one left that I couldn’t figure out by myself. It asks me to type in a number but I don’t know what number that is.

As far as I can tell, the clues lead to an other area on the map with 3 pillars, and each number will give me the numbers 1 2 3 not in any particular order, but that’s the end of my guess, I don’t know what to do with it anymore lol.



go to left top, there are 3 pillars that you can switch the number, put them all to 3 3 3, then go back there and type “333” in the chat and complete it.

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Hoping for some animation change for Priest. Casting Monstrance Lvl 5+ and sometimes Sacrament can be a pain in the ass. Also they could give Aspersion an overheat, maybe like 3 charges.

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It’s amazing how IMC just change QS from what-is-this-sh*t class into a frickin Siege Tank :hushed:

I hope they will not doing it too overboard after this. :expressionless:

It makes sense, in a way. QS is one of the pre-cannoneer classes.

Does it work with crossbows too?

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Matchmaking for dungeons? That’s neat.

There will be like 20+ blocking the dungeon statue for me to click it!

Dude are you ok?

Apersion has a 120 seconds duration and a 20 seconds cooldown and your asking IMC to have the skill on overheat…just wow LMAO

Why yes, in the video, the QS is using a xbow and a shield. :cake:

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I’m sure they would nerf the duration and increase cool down or they could change the skill all together. Example Aspersion has 3 overheat charges with 45 sec cooldown each charge could increase defense by 3% at level 1(Stacks 3 times). Every 3rd strike of Aspersion on an enemy has a chance to cause blindness. I just thought this up on the whim so the details aren’t ironed out.

Wait… so basically, you just ‘guess’ on your own that they will nerf it, so you suggest them to buff it in advance? wtf dude.

If you were following the convo you would of seen that I want them to decrease the cast animation of Sacrament and Monstrance but I also want Aspersion to be buffed or reworked.

And no I didn’t guess they would nerf Aspersion.

[quote] - An Automatic Matching system has been added.
- Please select “Automatically find party” from the instant dungeon NPC.
- Automatic party finding is possible when inside an instance dungeon if more than 5% experience can be gained.[/quote]
Is it supposed to say you can use matching when you’re able to get more than 5% exp from the monsters inside the instance? Or is it saying you can use matching when inside an instance, so a new player entering the matching system could get added to a group that’s halfway done and replacing someone?

At least it sounds like you still have to go to the dungeon’s entrance, but they have to be careful not to make the same mistake other games did and let automatic matching prevent interaction between players.

Delicious update for archers :sparkles:

Nice IMC :+1:


yes, or if someone had d/c and not returned. or other scenario where a player had to leave

That would be dope :smiley:

More bans :smiley:

Ausurine - 593 Accounts Suspended
Zemyna - 319 Accounts Suspended
Gabija - 223 Accounts Suspended
Vakarine - 122 Accounts Suspended
Laima - 120 Accounts Suspended


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are those bots? (all 4 of them …you could see the other 2 at the end)

video here

Can you guys do something with these kind of bots?, they should be around tenet chapel b1 area most of the time @STAFF_J

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