Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Aye. Tbh, I dont think tis supposed to work like that, but Im not going to complain. lol

Somebody get a C3 Chronomancer and we got a true machinegun.

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Hmm, Archer is already very good at single target…I hope they don’t buff their AoE too xD
All these buff seems a bit excessive imo

I dont think theyre excessive. Every other class can bring something into group play:

  • Wizard: DPS, Support and Utility.
  • Cleric: Support, Utility and DPS.
  • Swordman: DPS and some Utility.

What Archers bring? DPS and… Thats it. Only recently, QS got the ability to bring some utility, and even so isnt reliable. So, for a DPS class, I think those ‘excessive buffs’ are ok, as long it doesnt reach some sort of ridiculous level. But then, nobody cares if a class is designed for DPS only, cuz according to some ppl, even another class that has no dmg capability whatsoever should be able to DPS in an equal manner. /shrug


Archers bring utility! Swiftstep! /sarc

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@Gunnr you were right. I’ve shouldn’t said that Sapper are OP not even in a joke!


By the way quite funny how I can do a 100-110% overkill on critical with buffs with an expensive skill and the swordie from my party was getting 150-170% on multiple monsters with a low cost skill, lol.

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@Gunnr: The thing is Wiz/Swordie has utility and damage class. If you build for damage, like Pyro 2 Ele 3 or Wiz 3 Ele 3, you pretty much don’t bring much utility, might be some crowd control but that is it. I don’t think dps swordie bring much either, but I don’t personally play it so I cannot say for sure. The only dps that bring both is an Int cleric but their AoE is not good without linker and single target is probably lower than archer. So for a Dps class, I feel Archer is already good at what they are doing.
@Lunar: you pretty much don’t see onverkill on multi-hit skills which are the best scaling abilities. Int Cleric probably don’t see that ever. As an ele, the only thing for met hat would actually overkill is Meteor in 90s CD. Swordie’s single-hit abilities might be strong for weak mob but will not scale as well as that 16 hits Miltishot :stuck_out_tongue:

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Bokor can pull it off if they invest into Effigy. I’ve done it on mobs in the late 100’s, but no Overkills are happening on those 3-star maps past Lvl 200.

What I pointed out was the class category (Swordman, Cleric, Wizard and Archer) as a whole. For example, when I said that ‘Swordman: DPS and some Utility’, I was talking about the general DPS subclasses (Cataphract, Barbarian, Doppelsoeldner, etc.) and the utility subclasses (Peltasta tanking ability, Squire repair abilities, etc.), not about a single path/build. I hope u understand, now.

EDIT: Also, I think u mentioned the wrong person. lol

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Looking forward to the 7th?

Translated 07/01/2016 Notes


Google translate makes it sound like they added a dungeon finder?

  1. instance dungeons will change as follows.
    (1) an instance dungeon party add matching system is.
    → instance dungeon NPC simply select the ‘Automatically search party’ from.
    → ‘automatically find the party’ when, in the instance dungeons experience 5% obtained more available.
    (2) instances in the dungeon 1 if they do not complete the mission in time, the mission changed to termination are.
    (3) an instance dungeon ‘collapse jeotaekga’ the ability of the experience acquired and the amount of monsters slightly upward is.

That’s pretty amazing if true - and if it works well, lol.

Then they should have given Archer more unique ultiliy ( which might be what higher rank class bring). Swift step is a step in a right direction but I don’t think Archer need more damage buff after recent patch. Their boss dps and single target sustain damage is what I would die for as a wiz xD Then, wizzy is very good at AoE. Just feel like more damage buff will further pigeon hole Archer into a role in which they are already good at.

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Yes, a dungeon finder’s been added. Also dungeons now have a 1hour time limit before they self-destroy


I know what u mean, but I think that being ‘already good at’ is subjective. The class, in general, is a lot better now, after the lasts kToS patches, than twas during iCBT2, with the exception of a few (broken) conditions (like this one, for example).

But tis as u said: Archers are good at single target DPS, whilst Wizards are good at AoE DPS, and Im fine with it. Really. I just wish more ppl could be fine with it as well, cuz in the end, all that matters are the big numbers.

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The thing is you already lose dps when you get a utility class in your build. Buffing Archer to a ridiculous level makes all the other full dps classes useless. What’s the point of playing a full dps wiz when archers do triple your damage? Archers weren’t even as bad as people complained and there is no reason to turn them into the only dps class in the game forcing everyone else into support roles.

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They really weren’t bad, they were a little meh at the start but at rank 4 they really take off.

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@elfochka I hope u were able to read this part, when I first replied, so u wont think Im advocating for a ‘uberbrokenOPDPSfromhellz.’

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