Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I have only looked through the first floor carefully when i was playing archer, I didn’t see anything major on the first floor, however if you kill monsters in the ‘고갈 1구역’ region when they die their spirit goes into a nearby device that looks like a sand-timer, after a certain amount is killed an announcement’s made in the map and the monsters in the other section of the map: ‘고갈 2구역’ get a defence debuff for a while. The same occurs if you start killing in the other section first.

There’s some information about the 2nd floor and how it works on inven.

Part 1
Part 2

there’s a chest on 2nd floor, but i don’t think she knew how to obtain it at the time of writing.

Hope this helps you

really i hope they change soon some AH Stuff it suxx if u have to wait with token 2 Days for u money and it suxx aswell to buy only 5 items in the AH…

I’ve done the 2f chest quest twice now. At some point, on the hour I think, there’s an announcement, and the portal in the center closes. You have to kill mobs near the side room barricades, and after enough kills the barricade will break and you’ll get access to a small room with a bunch of mobs and a torch behind it. Once both side barricades are down and both torches lit, the barricade around the center room breaks, and you can go in and loot the chest. The chest appears to contain a random equipment drop or silver. I got Ju Staff the first time and a bunch of silver the second time. The big room also has a chest with the collection for the dungeon. After a few minutes the barricade goes back up, and then the central portal re-activates, allowing you to do the mini event rooms to get access to the secret room with all the archers. An hour later it all happens again.

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Any update on this? This is quite intriguing for me imo XD

You still need to complete verification regardless of the hours of the day, otherwise game-start is not possible.

Oh. Sad lyfe ._. :mushroom:

Indeed, indeed. Just be patient~

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hi guys, i’m playing to play Musketeer. have anyone ever tried this? I’m wondering if i change my weapon to rifle, will i able to use skills and passive with bow in previous classes? tks so much.

You could have a look at archers skills at ToSBase’s - Skill Simulator

For example the Skill of Archer C1 “Oblique Shot”:

Req Stance
TwoHandBow, BowAndShield, BowAndArtefact, BowAndDagger, BowAndPistol, BowAndCannon

compared to “Covering Fire” a Musketeer C1 skill, which got:

Req Stance

so you would either have to swap weapons respectively or wont be able to use either one of the skills, as it is right now atm.

thanks for the information ^^

Hello kobt plauers.

I want know if you met a pardoner at this stade of the game?

And if you can find a scroll 's pardoner in AH?

I want to know too why ppl think that simony scroll seller pardoner is dead due go the AH system?
Thx for your answers guys.

well 30% tax one scroll at a time, you can still sell scrolls but you can bet they’ll have a beast of a mark up on them to be worth it.

A Maintenance is scheduled for the 1/7 (KRT), patch notes are as follow:


From what I can tell the major changes are:

  • A Matchmaking for Dungeons has been added;
  • You can cancel daily quests now (It will count as 1 to the repeatable amount);
  • Archer’s tree Buffs;
  • 220 ~280 drop from elite monsters is reduced;
  • A new World map UI.


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Most skills require you to wear a certain combination of weapons as archer.

But swapping is easy~

If it’s more then an increase of dps against large (lowe rmalus) i am all up for it.

The last one made some fletcher skills o cd or 50% of the old cd.
Which is Op xD.

Speaking of archer and being op, does QS3’s running shot and Kneeling shot stack? I wanna do triple my dex on every hit!

I just got home , i need to send some documents off and then i can write a log


U can watch THIS and draw ur own conclusions.

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holy cow, and i thought just the running shot from QS was very strong now

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