Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

It is 9,554 kb. I’ll try the Compatibility setting if/when it crashes again. Thanks!

Note: This crash only appears after some time when get screen goes white (with transparency - not responding) and I wait for maybe 1 minute or more.

Put that in this folder: C:\Nexon\TreeOfSavior\patch


anyone playing it? i’m almost level 50 now and i need someone to play with me in the dungeon lol

oh. so its ok to post such file-sharing links here, good to know, didn’t want to risk a forum rule violation or smth. :^)

I think there’s people here that are in your level range that might be able to go dg 50 with you :wink:

There are communities you can join and share stuff like that. : 3

Another ban wave for bots today

Ausrine - 474 Accounts Suspended
Zemyna - 338 Accounts Suspended
Laima - 136 Accounts Suspended
Vakarine - 139 Accounts Suspended
Gabija - 200 Accounts Suspended


Ouch, that got to hurt.

Interesting how Ausrine and Zemyna have so many more than the rest. Nearly 500 on ausrine alone!

There’s a limit to account creation right? Requires a valid phone number? So there’s a limited number of times these people will be back?

There’s no limit to possible registrations since it doesn’t need a phone unless verifying the account, however those accounts that are not verified will be unable to play during 00:00 - 6:00 hours because of the law

Ah interesting. Thank you!

Just don’t post any Warez or and everything will be gravy. :^)

I thought an unverified account couldn’t access (ToS) at all? It should be stopping the user at the webpage upon trying to start the game.


I’ll have to check myself soon, i only heard from my friend that they could register and play instantly

edit: You’re right, i think my friend is doing something bad! I will still try again after 6am ; _ ;

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im on ausrine but thinking about a switch… and that botting on ausrine is true.

Starter area was full of botters

That’s the reason I left that server. I was in the starting area and this guy literally had 8 bots moving in unison in a circle auto attacking anything that spawned. Even though I hate bots and hackers, I have to say the program they are using is quite impressive lol.

So in kOBT… the whole Arde Dagger thing… is still as it was, right?

Meaning, how daggers are OP and often better with one-hand than equipping a two-hand weapon (which are supposed to be stronger for sacrificing the option to wear a shield or similar, right?).

I expected mechanics involving how secondary weapons apply and how two-handed weapons fare against the one-handed ones to change in some important manner before an open beta version of the game…but just now realized, nothing probably happened, or I would have read about it somewhere… Or am I the only one who felt like that was odd? o:

twohanded weapons got attributes.

Like crit+ or +flying type dps.

So it’s fine.

They’re still better in some situations then an Arde Dagger.
It’s just aht these 150 dps … are alot in that level range.

There was a maintenance done many many many hours ago (without servers taken down) , but i was asleep at the time.

Documented here:

Just a skill fix and more channels;

  1. Being able to sit whilst using Alchemists ‘Tincturing’ skill has been fixed and no longer possible.
  2. Dina Bee Farm / Nuordian Falls / 2nd Demon Prison Will have 2 added channels to each respective map.

really i found 2 strange Maps anyone know them? or can me tell what i can do on this maps

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