Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

yeah the OoB hit range increase is awesome.
Still I don’t use a lot of OoB. Don’t know how you feel useless in missions @BlaXun . If Random matchmaking gives me an odd party without serious damage dealers, I’m usually the person with Hate on them as a result of Possession and Cure 16 being an easy 70 hits in tandem. I have very limited time to OoB and I’m dropping Heal 15’s without the damage attribute because I just have enough tiles that I can afford to use it as a damage skill and still have some left over for healing. So that’s often another 20 or so hits. By that Time I’ve basically done ~ 90 hits worth of damage, and my OoB if anything is going to add maybe 15 hits worth before I have to start Channelling Possession again.

If anything I feel very at home in missions due to having stationary targets to wail on.
If I dedicated a saturday to Hitting R7, I’d throw in Kabbalist and then Merkabah would take up even more time. Just when do you really get to OoB for any sizeable period of time, outside of playing it safe outside of a bosses range (at the cost of lower dps).
All I can really say is the amount of Possession use, trivializes the spirit, which would be resolved by making Possession and Transmit Prana, OOB skills IMO.

Care to clarify how you’ve reached that solution? ^o.o^

At 280, Concentrate 15 should be doing 210~ per hit. Add in the attribute and it’s over 300 per hit.

Assuming the notes have the correct formula…

(STR * 0.04 + DEX * 0.02) * (Skill Lv - 1)

Many korean players will sooooo rage about this patch… skyliner nerf, cyclone nerf, linker nerf, steady aim nerf.

I hope kTOS players protest enough against those nerfs (skyliner, linker, etc) that they’ll be reverted soon and we’ll get previous kTOSs skyliner/linker/etc behaviour instead.

Those buffs can stay, though. :wink:

Lets say i got 400 str 100 dex

Lv5 Concentrate
= 111+[16%(400)+8%(100)]= 183 dmg

Lv10 Concentrate
= 119+[36%(400)+18%(100)]= 281 dmg

Lv15 Concentrate
= 126+[56%(400)+28%(100)]= 378 dmg

the buff is good and almost double damage at lv5 and 15

but for sure sword C3 is alot better than current one

60% Restrain and you guys are focused on flipping Concentrate.
Grab the monster gem for 66% and Divine Might for 72% Chance to flipping Stun per hit. Hell Early game with a Durandel you can hit 84%.

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Don’t forget, with the monster card update you also can equip a 10 star minotaur card for an additional 10% chance to stun for 3 seconds.

or just invest in 5 minotaur card for whooping 50% 3sec stun chance

well the price is gonna be pain though

Or he can equip stun/any other resistance cards and nullify it…

If only the stun actually last longer than 1 seconds. The up chance is nice but it’s still just good for the slow attribute

Just take 3 points off pain barrier, 3 seconds are not that important.

I’d want to think that the iToS nerfs being ported to kToS first would mean the KR community would complain in our stead since communicating in KR seems much easier for IMC to grasp than the general consensus of this forum.

I wonder where the Shinobi changes Doddler datamined earlier went to…

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Nowdays its almost impossible get a minotaur card.

Or I can get 72% chance instead where Restrain can be shared also by Spiritual Link.
This is a lot of potential damage mitigation without taking up a card slot.
You’re always going to take Restrain on a Sword C3.

with the nerf coming to Elementalist, is Linker - Chrono better to support them in ET rather than Cyro - Chrono?

dude itos has the frozen cloud nerf since ages, elewizard is still supreme…


The changes are not really big, why people re-roll when Elementalist just get limited AoE and Swordman 3 buff? It just letting underrated build in slightly better position. Did you realize most 280-ers are only Ele and Pelt?

Go with the first build.

Gung-ho sucks anyways and Bash isn’t useful after some time.

Dunno why IMC thinks porting over our nerfs is going to imprive kToS’s declining playerbase situation. Then again, maybe they just didn’t think at all.

Oh ■■■■, Hexen dropper + concentrate 15 will be awesome. :crossed_swords: