Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Nothing in concentrate was nerfed, it just adds after
check here

And it is a NIIIIIICCEEE buff.

how the f did you get 111 as base damage from concentrate? so you have 211 damage from concentrate???WHAT???. as far as i remember with my sword 3, the maximum it gave was 126 (26 lv 15 concentrate + 100 from attribute)

You are wrong. The new number get added ON TOP of the old number. Which means your concentrate will only get stronger no matter what level.

Well, I cannot say the same for other nerfs though.

Jesus christ!! Dat mathematical skills
Old Concentrate version
lvl 5 skill give you +11 dmg for 11 hits plus atri (100 dmg). Total dmg 121+100 atri dmg
New Concentrate version
lvl 5 skill give you +45 dmg for 11 hits plus atri (100 dmg). Total dmg 495+100 atri dmg



my bad I dun goofed and badly read tooltip of skill in game

anyway I still think that the hit limit should be removed from Concentration. Or at least increased significantly

Hey guys, I feel a little bit confused. The “hitbox” of Out of Body is the range that the spirit can move around, is that true? :slight_smile:

It’s the hitbox for the ‘OOB’ attack animation.
Basically meaning the area where its attacks connect onto enemies is larger.


Finally…\o/ that square was so tiny ;-;

Oh thank you :blush:

Just so everyone is clear, the changes to Skyliner, Cyclone, Physical Link, Joint Penalty, Hangman’s Knot, Frost Cloud and Steady Aim already exist in iToS, this is them getting parity with us. So only a few things here are actually new.

Anyway - I’m happy about the hitbox increases, I haven’t seen all of the hitbox increases in kToS in action but there are a lot of Swordsman skills that badly need it. Pistol Shot getting 2 overheat is nice but its cooldown is still so long for a skill that does less damage than Hexen Dropper while being C3. Concentrate change is also interesting, a C2/C3 Swordsman build might even be viable in PvE.

But I think it’s really disappointing kToS is straight up getting our nerfs even though a lot of these are things people hate. Highlander is just a bad class in iToS; in kToS it had a single gimmick that let it be a good DPS class and that was taken away with no compensation. Skyliner with 3 overheat is still a ‘good’ skill, but when all your other skills are trash you can’t coast on a single ‘good’ skill. Same with Ranger to a degree, but at least they have Barrage.

I was expecting way more buffs in this patch and I’m not surprised kToS players are upset that all of their builds are just getting ■■■■ on.


Crown is still an amazing skill.

What the hell is overheat? i iz newbs

I do wish it has a bigger hit box and faster animation, but yeah crown is amazing.

With this highlander change I also wish they remove the weapon restriction for cross guard. That would make builds with highlander base a lot more versatile

Crown is okay. I wouldn’t take the class just for crown.

The little dots that indicate how many times you can use a skill before it goes on cooldown.

IMO Crossguard should be usable with any sword or rapier. 1h swords are so unappealing right now and it’d make the highlander fencer build more straightforward.

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feels like sword 3 will be like wizard 3. a must have but this time, not only for DPS but also for tanks. ktos Pain Barrier gives resistance to CC which is fantastic for tanks since they are usually the one who sponge all the attacks. makes me want to reroll to sw 3 now

I think its fine that it uses 2H sword, lord knows a lot of other skills have their own exclusions.
Vert Slash could probably be better.

C3 Sword, Full STR Rodelero right now.
60% Restrain is going to make my flipping day.
Only qualm is I do not have exactly skill points to Spare so now…
10 Restrain
5 Double Slash
15 Pain Barrier.
15 Concentrate.
10 Restrain
2 Double Slash
3 Bash
15 Pain Barrier
15 Concentrate
Once I get it a skill reset potion.

not really

no class in TOS got the bullshit boost dmg as Wiz 3

sword C3 is not thats good in boosting damage (even with new concentrate)

Son, that’s 90k bonus damage, with 15 Concentrate, at 280, for most stat builds, on a 20 sec cooldown. It cools Faster than the majority of Sword skills.

It’s not quite Frost CLoud, but it’s pretty darn good.

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I’ve updated the original pastebin with all relevant information.
For those who don’t want to scrollup again, here is the link: [ 14/07/2016 ] ( Or, refresh if you already have a tab. Thanks ! :slight_smile: )

No, there was a player conducted survey some time ago but it was asking what players chose as their rank 7 class and i think it was only on one server ( might’ve been on laima ? ) . I guess someone would have to do that again.

Yes, it was quite infuriating with certain large bosses. I actually couldn’t hit them because the hitbox for the attack felt as though it was inverted.

But, this is my favourite skill of all time. :frowning:
OOB’s attack really did need that much requested atk range increased, i also love that skill too and i have played sadhu before it got dethroned like tree of swordsman did.

Although, sadhu has been out in the cold for quite a while.
I think it has been a few months since it has been glared at, but it has had two weeks of attention so far recently.

In summary excluding the skill balancing;
Server Merge, Events, New Loading Screens(Fan-Art ones).