Tree of Savior Forum

Ha. ha. suckers

The way I calculate it with my swordie who has 400 Str @ R7, using max attribute Con with level 5 DoV, I’ll be popping out an extra 1200-ish damage per hit alongside the 30% Str buff. So it sounds great to me, and I already love the damage Rush and Cyclone dishes out.

But hey, I might be wrong. I hope not. :stuck_out_tongue:

1200ish? Its kinda big since concentrate = flat damage.
I doubt you will get more them 500 on it :wink:

Concentrate is gonna scale it’s damage buff off of strength from this next patch so it’s possible to get more than 500 damage from it easy if you’re already high STR.

If you do the math you will see isn’t that great.

My doppel is Sword -> Pelt 1 -> Hop1 -> HL 1 -> Barb 1…
it was my first character and i had NO IDEA wtf i was doing xD…

I love it tho ._.

I think this answer your question

As you can see concentrate lv 15(SW3) isn’t that great.

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I never understood why one would go Sword C2 unless they intend to go all the way to C3 (e.g. PVP Cata ) when benefits-wise I think Pelt C1 is better in general and Highlander C1 is great for 2H sword builds.

Well @Casey did originally say that if he stacked it with DoV and included the str buff as well. Thanks for the link tho.

Concentrate does not increase your Physical Attack stat, so it does not affect Deeds of Valor, which is based on your Min. Physical Attack stat. Concentrate only gives you bonus damage at the end of the equation. So Concentrate and Deeds of Valor do not affect each other.

The STR bonus just means you get more Physical Attack from STR, it does not increase your STR. It does not affect how much Concentrate gives you.

Ah ok. Thanks for that.

let me help you to answer this, when i started the game and was looking for build(playing with the skill simulator) You will notice that it doesn’t display class based attribute, Thus i didn’t know that u can block with C with pelt or Highlander having a +50% crit dmg.

When choosing Rank2 you got 3 options in the eyes of new players

  1. a Tank (Pelt) looking at her abilities… it doesnt look like a good class
  2. 1H sword User (Sw2) and since you started with sw1 you think having the DMG buffs will make you OP
  3. 2 sword (Highlander) and some ppl on MMORPG dislike playing with great swords(2Hswords) since since they tend to be slow cast abilities

so most will logically take Option 2 (swordman c2) . This isn’t the players fault since the Game doesn’t provide you with enough info when choosing ur class, almost every player that doesn’t want to screw his build will need the skill(Build) Simulator to try everything there and use forums to gain extensive knowledge both with which game fails to provide.


When entering klaipeda/orsha for the first time there are two quests:
1- Talk to the noble entity that will continue the main story.
2- Talk to the master of your current class.

And the quest is based on showing that you can learn attributes.

I think it is pretty clear. So my conclusion is that you only not notice the attributes if you don’t read, which is pretty weird, this game is all about theorizing. Might those who don’t read the casual fags?


Can’t disagree with that. The game does need to improve the info it provides to avoid misleading new players into “ruining” their builds.

I’ve seen/known players though who “did their research” as they claimed and still went Sword C2 despite having the option to pick Pelt or HL which would’ve benefit them more in terms of utility and synergy with higher rank skills (e.g. Pelt for Hop3, HL for 2H Dopel2).

One of them when asked even reasoned that he did so because “it’s a PVP/DPS build”. :open_mouth:

Wouldnt having swashbuckling in theory somewhat ‘upgrades’ your cyclone dps since you dont need to run around mobbing them by yourself manually? Wouldn’t that generates more efficient dps than the extra flat dmg from concentrate and gungho?

Don’t you mean Roll on the floor while everyone dies because you can’t tank for ■■■■?

in the patch notes of this maitenance this patch dont said anything about the concentrate Buff they did on july 14th. anyone know if they included it in this patch?

actually u should go with at least barb 1 if u are going for doppel… u will need to reroll

if i decide to roll a 2h sword again, id go for highlander 3> barb1> doppel3
but swrd3>cata3>something>lancer is also very interesting pvp wise, or pelt>rode>murmilo for a tank build too.

Tell us that pelt sucks when you get into ET and grab cubes for yourself…