Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Hey guys, Can you use consumable items in PVP? like antidote?

Some people say you can use items inside the Arena, others say you cant. Til I see a video or something, then I say you cant. :triumph:

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You can use alchemist potions, only the regular potions are disabled. It’s just a bug.

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What part is the bug? Using Alchemists potions or the regular ones being disabled? :open_mouth:

Probably the Alchemist Potions being usable, as they have a diferent ID I guess.
Or maybe they are trying to get only Alchemists to be able to use them and at some point let Pardoners use their Scrolls at some point, this could be a sideefect, you never know.

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They intended to disable consumable use, but only disabled regular potions but not alchemist potions. So yeah, alche potions should be disabled too.


No Potions? No Bonfire as well =P

My suggestion on addressing that:
-The Lodge-EXP increases with character-levels as they already do.
-If you delete a character, the Lodge-EXP gained from raising that character don’t disappear
-When you create a new character in that slot, that characters levels won’t add Lodge-EXP until you reach the highest you got with the deleted character from this slot.


They might be leaving potions in to account for builds that rely on them for SP and the fact that you won’t always have a healer in random arena, and to contribute to the player economy. Antidotes and dispellers are different from HP/SP potions since they negate entire mechanics.

But all of this highlights how the arena will never work as competitive PvP. GvG lead to a lot more fun and having a lot of people involved smooths out balance issues. Among those who got to try PvP out, would there be agreement that IMC should focus on large scale PvP, objectives like castle sieges, and improving framerates so you can have a lot of people fighting at once without a slideshow?

hello boys and girls. i have a big problem i play the orsha route and would like to change to the 3th circle of cyro but i did’nt find the map :frowning: can anyone help me please?

you can just buy a laima scroo for 500 silver and do it there XD

Your class change quest is only based on your starting town. Can’t change it later.


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i had no idea :open_mouth:

I know there are no issue, it’d be just nice to have some rewards as well for those who are constantly raising new chars and deleting the old because they run out of chat slots.

It’s not like they are forced to erase chars, but they have to buy a new slot if they don’t want to lose EXP bonus. So at least it should be like Charon said, so bonus will remain, but will not stack indefinitely.

Considered by whom? Peltasta C3 is the best tank in the game, and Barbarian C3 is the best autoattacker in the game. Paired with Chrono C3 for attack speed buff he’s a real powerhouse of death.

Rodelero also has it’s uses in some CC focused builds (but I agree it needs some buffs).

I think that swordsman is the class with the bast balance inside it’s tree right now. Every class in swordsman tree has it’s uses, even swordsman C3 tends to be good in PvP (Restrain appear to apply stun on skills).

While every other tree has at least 1 class/class rank NEVER worth picking.

Yet the problem is not deleting chars because they are bad, but because you want to raise another one and have no free slots. You might feel sorry for it, and now you will lose not only char, but hardly earned EXP bonus as well.

So yeah, it FORCES people to buy char slots. Pressure is not that strong but it’s here.

I bet you that IMC in the future will had additional character slots in the cash shop like any MMO’s or probably just give you them for free.But for now I think 15 character/companion slots is enough for a game that is not completely finish.IMC needs to make cash somehow right?(I know this is not the only method they can make money)

Nobody is force to do anything,last time I checked it’s a video game.

Is anyone here a Cataphract w/ Impale in Vakarine? Please let me know. I need to test something

Did you miss the raise of the Quarrel Shooter era or something?
% bonuses, that thing will never fall off until they nerf it, if it happens.

And well, yeah, of course they want you to buy character slots they have to make money SOMEHOW if you aren’t buying costumes and stuff.

Yeah, I admit Quarrel Shooter is the better. Still, Barbarian has Frenzy+Warcry and DoV, and it has 100% uptime. So he can compete with QS.

Yeah, I’ve said that I understood their logic, but still I don’t like the way how they do it. Punishing player for deleting their character is a bad way, rewarding player for buying character slots is the right. But honestly I don’t care too much about it, because I will buy some slots anyway. It just feels wrong for me.

Hmm right now in kToS it’s 4 slots, and 33 TP for each extra slot. You can purchase a different lodge, but it doesn’t affect character limit.