Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

  • Pass: Now only affects party members.

It affected non-party members before?

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10/03/2016 Notes Now Available
edit: recipes & Box locations added :slight_smile:

Campfire Change:

Batch Monster Kill / Map Exploration Rewards Claiming:


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So, silly question, is the music from those videos from the game?
If not what’s the song from the second video? :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it’s the music that was playing from the media player in the background.
The second video music playing is - "허밍어반스테레오 - I.myss "

So with 3 lvl 500 characters you will get permanent +30% to every character you grow. Much better then nothing.

And I assume it will stack up to level 50 with 49% exp bonus to ALL your chars.

Thanks, I got that song stuck in my head after watching the video. :sweat_smile:

Going by the screenshots it seems that the Lodge Level is independant from the character level, maybe it just counts the EXP you get along the way so it levels that way?
It’s not 100% clear…

Yeah, I’ve just put some semi-random numbers to show the potential of this feature)
Most likely it’s based on EXP with quickly increasing exp required to lvl up (so we can’t rise 20 lvl 50 chars to quickly level it). Also it won’t decrease decrease if you delete chars.

I wonder if it’s actually buff or nerf to quick cast?

Possible to use someone else’s Pass buff to beneift your own self / party. ( Field boss competition )

Thankyou for reminding me, i forgot to attach english ones. (although the button function is easy to understand) - the image link in pastebin will be changed

I suppose so, However, it seems that it is determinant on Character levels in the account. Will elaborate further in the post.

Depends how long it was available and used wrongly, but it’s just a bug fix that seems to have been retained for a while. ( previously casting wrong lvls for all skills and classes without having to charge was possible )

Just Character level. ( I don’t have a companion though)

it does! ( please read onwards to find out) :slight_smile:

The EXP is determinant to your characters levels currently in lodge.
More Character levels = More Exp / Lodge Levels of course.
See Below:

  • This only counts Character Level, Class levels do not apply.
  • See Below:
    (I forgot to show Lodge EXP at the start here, but it didn’t change.) - 7346

The EXP that gets added is not a permanent addition.

  • Deleting characters reduces your EXP from the Lodge EXP bar. I deleted a LVL 25 Wizard and lost 600EXP from the Team Lodge -
    See Below:

Character EXP doesn’t influence the EXP In Lodge.
Used an experience card to get from 0% to around 10% - result is no change in the Lodge EXP.
See Below:

I hope this has brought some further insight onto the ‘Lodge Level’ feature that you can use to enjoy the game further.


Great analysis over here. It really clarifies most of the questions.

But it’s a bit strange for me that your lodge EXP will drop while deleting characters (because you actually raised your character and wasted time on this). Though it forces people to buy character slots, so I can understand devs logic behind this issue. Also it can be interpreted as “family power” that grants bonuses to all family members and it’s ok that if strong members leave this power decreases.

But it is very punishing for those who failed their build, because they won’t gain anything at all from raising this char if they will be forsed to delete it.

On my opinion it would be good to stack some permanent perks (maybe not EXP bonus, but very small silver gain bonus, that will grow up 10 or even 50 times slower) for raising your characters even if you delete them afterwards. This will grant a little reward to people who like to experiment a lot with new chars.

And this will be like alternative to family power: “family wealth” that will remain even if members “leave”. Some nice roleplaying elements over here) Lots of other perks like this can be implemented as well to the lodge, but they shouldn’t affect battle in any way, only grant slight improvements in levelling/world exploring process. For example out of combat % move speed bonus, etc.

Maybe even add lodge points granted for levels/achievements which we will be able to spend on QoL account-wide upgrades. I can see lots of great possibilities connected with lodge that will make levelling much more interesting and rewardable process and encourage people to spend more time in the game exploring the world.

I know these ideas are nothing but my dreams, it’s doubtful, that something like this will be implemented in the nearest future. But at least they’ve chosen the right course)

if deleting characters didn’t remove exp, you could possibly get infinite exp bonus from the lodge level

But level is cappred at 49%. Read changes carefully.


just saw that and was gonna edit the post XD

anyone knows what’s that third option on missions? when i chose it i got transfered to the server selection :s

Could it be for the Cross Server queue thing?
Dunno, could be an straight up bug.

nope, the cross-server is automatic when you choose the auto-match -a.k.a. search for a party-

Then, as always, I call bugs.

It’s to re-enter Automatic instanced parties currently in progress.
There was a problem where once you dced from the auto-instance parties it was impossible to get back in, but you can return via that button.