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You can use a Cata to get the 100% map completion with Trot at rank 4 also.

They just implemented it. Tis possible that IMC will notice what players are doing and fix it.


Man, Itā€™s feel relieved that they keep adding more feature overtime.


I wonder will they reward people with exp cards for crafting a number of things and times in the future.

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Seems like a logical progression +1 to that

The limitations to trade make it harder to exploit aswell

@DiscKZee Are the PVP Arena statues in Fedimian base on 2v2 or 5v5?

would be no different than getting it later, since you can only get it once for that map :\

Based on the ranking lists, Iā€™d say itā€™s 5v5 especially as itā€™s labelled with (Rank). 2v2 doesnā€™t have this.

Iā€™m not too sure though.

I agree, honestly itā€™s a nice reward to help you level as you explore maps within your own level range. Iā€™ve been messing around and seeing how far I can complete some very high level maps (e.g. 250+) but itā€™s really difficult as you get one-shotted a lot by ranged mobs and doesnā€™t feel worth it.

I suppose itā€™s not an issue if you have infinite Resurrection Crystals, or a way to not get aggro, or can dash past ranged enemies without getting killed. :wink:
The cards can also help you get past grind gaps in your current level range as itā€™s an extra 3 EXP Cards.

Just note that the EXP Cards given for 100% completion might not always be the same level as the cards that map gives for quests/monster drops. (e.g. Dina Bee Farm gives Lv 8 Cards for quests/drops, but the 100% reward gave Lv 7 Cards.)

Thereā€™s no reason to ā€œfixā€ it since everyone will get the same cards in the end. You have to spend extra time exploring (you canā€™t do quests at the same time and high level monsters can kill you) in exchange for getting the cards earlier.

If you kill things in a party, does everyone get credit or partial credit towards the monster kill cards?

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Iā€™d say itā€™s based on personal kills since the kill count uses the ā€˜Killed Amountā€™ records in your Adventurerā€™s Journal. I donā€™t think the journal tracks kills made by other players in your party at the time, but I could be mistaken.

That would suck hard if youā€™ve got a healer who never gets killing blows.

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Yeah, Iā€™m just not sure if the journal does track kills made by party members. My first assumption would be no, but I donā€™t know if it does. :confused:

But the Kill Count rewards definitely go by whatā€™s recorded in your Adventurerā€™s Journal, itā€™s not a separate quest or limit.

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What is the duration on Rush now because in the recent patch it was reduce.

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Can someone explain XP cards to me

You pop one and get EXP relative to itā€™s level, Quests (And varied otehr metods now) instead of raw EXP get you these which allows you to manage your EXP more effectively such as for LvUP emergency heals and bypassing EXP sinkholes the EXP curve has from time to time.

Didnā€™t hear this question for a longgg time :smile:

They still havenā€™t fixed the exp curve in korea? Wtf? Is that a ā€œfeatureā€? xD

what do you mean ā€œfixedā€? there was never anything wrong with it as far as i know