Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

So you’d rather have a bunch of levels where it’s stupidly hard to bridge the gap and you run out of quests, and then suddenly level up 10 times in 10 minutes?

frankly, yes, this is a refreshing change from typical MMOs.
and it was never that hard to level, and IMC have stated that they never wanted to have a heavy quest based progression, i expect quests decrease alot after lv 200, which is basicly the “introduction” level imo.


Doesn’t sound too bad to me

Wih dungeons spread out like that… no problem anymore.

I find it very silly, and it doesn’t make any practical sense whatsoever. People will actually be discouraged to continue if they can’t seem to level up and complete that gap, and I imagine that gets worse the higher you get. On the icbt2 I stopped playing around 150+ because of that reason.

can i get a patchnote ?

The levels are already pretty artificially distibuted, a few levels have no impact.

The only milestones that matter for character power are gear milestones(15~40~75~120~170…) and rank ups(15~35~65~90~115~170~220)

Ps.:The numbers are from top of my head,someone please correct them.

YOu never played RO then … or any real grind games.

Where you only level/hour is slightly increased.

And it’s actually really easy back in icbt2 to get these grind walls done… even now.

Just 3 little rules to make it an easy ride:
-Dont spam EXP cards the moment you get them
-Kill mobs around your level till 15 under you
-Do Dungeons/Missions

The scaleing isnt even that bad…
Specially with 600% exp increase in dungeons and the resulting lower populated grinding spots.


I played RO, and a lot of real grind games.

You know that if you’re level 80, getting to 81 shouldn’t be harder than getting from 89 to 90 right? Yet by this game’s logic, I reach 81 and suddenly jump to 90, completely eliminating any sense of achievement from those levels and leaving you soon standing upon the next wall of experience.

I don’t mind the grinding, it’s not that, it’s just that it doesn’t make any sense. I’m prepared to grind, don’t worry.

They’re about right.

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Good to know, but it’s still silly :stuck_out_tongue:

Like, why would you plan it that way from the beginning?

The only reasoning I can think of is that a lazy intern didn’t want to calculate the appropiate exp values and just decided to start over from 0 at random points with a new formula.

its kinda like story Arcs, when one section of the story end, is about the same time you hit the exp peaks, so as you move into the next section of the story your leveling gets easier for a while

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Thanks for being condescending. I was just discussing a topic, not bashing anyone. Have a good night.

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Once you start playing you’ll notice the feeling of progression comes from gear and class ranks, the base level is more like just a pointer to whatever content you match to

Yeah but the main gripe I had was in the quest availability, and that is dependant on base level. However they tell me that problem has been alleviated by new content, so I guess it isn’t so bad right now. I’ll have to test it first hand of course :smiley:

Hopefully soon…

Meteor is much lower rank. And it’s designed as AoE. I think that snipe hitboxs needs to be lowered to hit only one target no matter what AoE ratio is and it’d be fine.

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