Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

aight thanks, and wow yeah thats quite a significant difference

So, after all this time, the truth has surfaced. Musketeers were actually laser pointing for orbital bombardment, instead of sniping.


Plot Twist:

They forgot to nerf headshot

Add a 5 seconds charge up, to simulate the aim time and precision of a headshot. Problem solved.

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i thought everyone here knew about this XD
thatā€™s why circling + snipe was super OP.
anyway i think itā€™s still powerful skill with linker or peltasta

The latest kTOS update added rewards given out from the Wings of Vibora NPCs based on monster kills and map completion.

Fully explore a map (e.g. 100% Complete when pressing M) to receive 3 EXP Cards based on the mapā€™s level.

Kill a certain amount of a monster to receive 1 EXP Card based on the monsterā€™s level.
Youā€™ll get an ā€˜Attainedā€™ icon appearing over the Monsterā€™s icon in your Adventurerā€™s Journal after claiming the reward.

These rewards are only obtainable once per character.

Hereā€™s how the interface works, there are two new options for Monster Kills and Map Completion added to the Wings of Vibora NPC.

Hereā€™s a list of the amount of kills youā€™ll need to be able to claim the reward, it currently uses the game file names for monsters.

Also includes the 100% map completion rewards now as well.


I heard the reward is per character not per account. Is that true? havenā€™t checked yet.

I would assume so, since your Adventurerā€™s Journal progress isnā€™t shared amongst characters.

Grinding with objective! Interesting :open_mouth:


So you could rush at lvl 40 a lvl 120 map and get the high level Exp cards which would give you ez lvls.

what if i explore a lvl 280 map with my lvl 150 ish scout for example wouldnt that be broken? or maybe they thought about that and im just wasting my time :sleeping:

pd: mistakes were madeā€¦

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Scout best class again, take that unbelievers!

Donā€™t say it!! itā€™s hurtā€¦ :cry:

Iā€™m sure you get exp cards based on your level,I think thatā€™s obvious though.

dont think its obv you could save than the low area maps rewards till you are high lvl than grab for the first map a lvl 9 exp card or smt like that.

I forgot to add this part:
They will have a level restriction upon picking up your exp card from the npc to counter what you wrote.

Nope. Lv250 and get Lv1 card.

Currently, itā€™s possible to do so.


ty for testing that for us :heart_eyes_cat:

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Well is not a big deal really I suppose.