Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

so awful literally the best thing he used was cure.

damn thats pathetic

i was 1shotting those monsters with my priest auto attacks lol


I call it mutlipliers ``.

4 times atk ] 6k atk multiplied bz attribute multiplied bz flzing tyze ā€¦

Wtf mz kezboard diesā€¦ y and z changesā€¦

Anzwaz, ā€¦ With trauam buffs and other stuff, zou can get a huge mutliplier to that single hit of snipe.

]Overupgraded weapons.

After seeing thatā€¦ I want to make a Wizard that does Shrink body and Kinoā€™s Raise just so they can do that everywhere. xD

This is from our FAQ at the site. Has everyone noticed this? I think it tells that our cash model will be very similar to kToS at least, if not exactly the same.
Kinda wanted to add it here as a reply to the earlier discussion, I know itā€™s off-topic(edit. or not w/e :smirk:) so sorry if that bothers someone, I donā€™t want to make a new thread as I donā€™t have any need to discuss this any further. I have no problems with this.

Its not off topic this model is a part of KTOS and this topic is KTOS

Looks like the same, at least prior to the recent +1 buff cap with token and EXP bonus (?).

Yeah, they also might be thinking about the trading who knows. We got the poses tho :smiley:

i donā€™t mind the trade stuff, itā€™s annoying but the benefit of not having as man bots in the market place reselling thingsā€¦ it might be useful. who knows.

they should remove th attribute and speed bonus.

what exactly is than the benifit from token if you remove them XD

itā€™s prolly worth noting that heā€™s not taking advantage of the hidden buff, and has no attributes. so, naturally, this makes him look a lot weaker than he could be.

If youā€™re talking about the Token (15 day) from the Lv 100 Player Support Box, that specific token buff doesnā€™t enable 1:1 trading or team warehouse use.

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One say cool, 5 free tp and they refill ever some hoursā€¦

then I ask for the list of all the stuff that cost 4TP or less :smiling_imp:

Not a lot of things. :stuck_out_tongue:


OK guys , Is there anyone have any good idea how to level your Gem?

I feed it with another gem, but itā€™s seem far from enough to go to level 5, a suggestion plz :open_mouth:

And how in the world can I get more of this amazing Gem enhance powder LvX a side from the two that we get from quest?

Monster Gems yoā€¦

  • nvr throw/sell-to-npc your junks like kepa stems. imagine you got 10k pieces, you can use it to upgrade until 4 stars straight. recycle your junks for gem upgrade. i remember when last i grinded at dina bee farm from lv150-lv165 at krToS, i have a lot of levi fur and honey bean stinger. i never sold them one, all used for gems upgrade :slight_smile: you can easily buy them cheap at market too :smiley:

  • no doubt, gem abbressive (gem powder) is one of the key.

  • a monster gem will raise 7500 gems point (straight to 4 stars half).

  • grinding at low level maps will give you gems. accumulate them will help.

  • 3 stars green gems keep dropping from spider candle (catacomb mission). i have a lot 5 stars gem upgraded from this mission.

  • oh yea, there is another one at second demon prison (not demon prison level 2). if you really notice, there is a tiny mob running around once you killed it, it will give you a red apple item. there is a secret room you can exchange this red apple for 5 random gems.

  • unwanted armors and weapons may raise a bit but then sell-to-npc will get better silver (for my thought).


I LOVE YOU!.. in an appropriate way I mean :open_mouth:


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I would still prefer if we didnt lose Potential between our characters, using the Lodge/Barrack Warehouse. Hopefully IMC will change it later, and possibly making Silver account wide, but oh well cant have everything I guess.