Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

i had the same feel like your thought. i am happy with the 1:1 trading system and its fine for buying token anyway. i guess some people just want f2p and still want to enjoy some functionalities :slight_smile:

I wonder how ?
Both skills have the same 400% modifier and 45/50% dmg boost from steady aim/quick cast but my lv10 meteor (40% enhance attribute) never goes over 40-45k dmg
Even with crit it shouldn’t be that high.

You forgot party quests xD

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Just my opinion, this current tp trading kill the role of money making class. Silver cant be trade also. Well, mybe they will change it soon. Even headgear get 5potential now.


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I am start to worry about EXP rate now, the current rate in ktos now is already OK for me.

But I see some people still want this game to be grinding simulator…righ at the begining of the game, mostly on reddit.


Strongest Field Boss?

I doubt anyone can even get near this boss… Jaysus

C1 Cleric > C3 Priest > C1 Chaplain > C1 Krivis > C1 Plague Doctor

Not bad, seeing how strong C1 Krivis can be compared to C2.

Also… i wish there’s more Paladin Video out there… hoping to see 20k-40k smites in action.

A year or so from now all the content currently out will probably be barely reaching mid-game. I for one am glad the “early” game is not a boring grind fest because that is what the rest of the game will be for :wink:


Honestly the Reddit threads become less and less convincing as time goes on, there’s people there that still think that Full DEX is a real thing.


Ok, move that exp rate aside for now then. :open_mouth:

Anyway, do you guys still remember this?

  • Wugong Gu Skill will be changed so that the poison-over-time damage is the same as the initial tick of other poison damage skills.

At first I assume that’s mean the poison-over-time damage will be the same as the initial damage of the skill.
The point is ,initial damage is the Missile type damage so steady aim is effected and it’s can critical!!
So I test this with excitement! because if this true it will change everything we know about Wugushi’s poison.
I tested it yesterday, and you know what?


So… what the hell is this patch note mean then? any clue? :anguished:

Methinks it may be that the damage each tick does will be made so the damage dealt in the first one (read Skill+P.ATK+%atribute) and every tick after the first one will deal the same damage, because iirc you can change equipments and if your P.ATK changes the damage of the ticks will also change accordingly.

I think it’s already be like that since before the patch…isn’t it? :confounded:

I think I’ve seen the poison ticks vary, so it could simply be an assurance on the matter.
Probably to support Musketeer shenanigans in which they need to change weapons and if they change to a weaker (or stronger) one their Poison damage would get lowered too for no real reason considering the poison is already in there (not that the calculation actually makes any sense on why the poison becomes stronger).

Edit: It could be a thing that happened when the poison spreaded?
As in, after propagating itself it would pick the actual P.ATK of your character instead of the original one?

Easy way?

Worship me!

Go get mats~ There’S areas with lots of monsters, where you can make 5k mats in under an hour (with luck find monster gems too).

Or buy mats for 20 silver ea… from noobs … if buy in shops get enabled again~

I tested it out if people are that stupid, after seeing buyin shops … yeah many are not thinking …

HAd once over 40k mats…

Easy to get gems to level 5 with mats. 5 points gem exp per mat. Regardless of what.

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That’s a Good point , maybe that’s it mean…

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There’s jus tmor emultipliers to be had.

Basic atk *4
+6k damage
Flying type *2
Attribute *2
Steady *1,45
Crit *1,5

  • crit damage

Lets say 3k atk.

So yeah. ^^ do able.
156,6k damage+ crit atk… xD

I don’t know jack about Swordie and Cleric skills

What they got closest to that numbers?Conviction+Smite on demon types?Shinobi’s Mijin Jutsu x clones?

the token would be way better if it wasn’t “30 days”, i dont want it to run on a timer all the time, simply because i want to get the maximum benefits of what im buying.
its kinda annoying for people who have wonky schedules, im willing to be a whale since i have the spending power, but they have to make things more attractive imo

it would way better if it was “30 days worth” of play time, meaning that if im logged off the timer on it stops, so i get the full 30 days worth of hours from the token. heck i dont mind if they push it down to 15 days with this system, 360 hours worth of token buffs is still pretty good.


The problem i see with this though is for service clases like alchemist, squire and pardoner, as they would get less ‘‘active’’ play time from their tokens with their afk shops