Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Well, except for swordies and wizards.

I planned to go Ranger C3 > Fletcher C3, is my build worse than Ranger C3 > Fletcher C2 > Cannoneer/Musketeer. If so, whom should i pick for rank 7: Cannoneer or Musketeer?

Soā€¦ Anyone else with the doubt of ā€œShould I wait for obt and stop playing on kToS?ā€

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If you want long term invest, then yes! you should play international version. You need friends, you need guild, you need sociality

If you are casual and donā€™t care much about those things above, then up to you.

Who told you to give up those two incredibly powerful rank 7 classes and choose Falconer C2 instead!?
ā€¦You are as silly as me!! :tired_face:

Seriously. When almost 90% of players on rank 7 choose rank 7 new classes (especially in the case of Archers and Clerics), and these classes are obviously stronger than other rank 5 C3 and rank 6 C2 classes, this phenomenon serves as an alert of how severe the imbalance of this game has become. I really hope the dev team makes more effort on balancing.

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Pretty sure theyā€™ll just nerf RANK 7 when Rank 8 comes.

Just like Rank6 got.

ā€œOh do you like Snipe that much?Too bad itā€™s Musketeer C2 now.ā€

But yeah, Rank 5 classes at C3 are just too weak compared to R7.

Maybe(emphasys on maybe) they could start artificially adjusting so skills above lvl 5 start getting % bonus damage,so they scale better. For example, Backstab lvl 6 onwards starts giving 10% extra dmg each level.


Or theyā€™ll just make R8 even more OP! XD
That kind of happens alot

Just imagine everyoneā€™s builds at rank 10

Rank 7 class C1>R8 C1>R9 C1>R10 C1

This system is a nightmare at higher levels to design.

Anyone knows if they will stop making new classes at some point? I mean,weā€™ll have higher ranks where you canā€™t get a new clas s,just level one of your older ones.

They can just give you 45 points with all the skills available for the last rank so it will makes the C1 a true C3ā€¦ who knowsā€¦

The older classes are completely useless ā€¦ You have access to 80 classes and so will use the latest. Very disappointed with the class developments.


At this point I would doubt if there will be any new classes past rank 8. I am sure there will be a bunch of hidden classes within rank 1-8 but that would be about it.

Reason being if there was a rank 9 class it would be impossible to get to circle3 until the game expands.

i donā€™t know wich classes you are playing, but i use at least 1 skill of every rank i get

youā€™re probably doing something wrong

The problem is in the developmentā€¦
Yeah, you can still use one or another from your first classes, but you ā€œloseā€ most of your skill.

Let me explain better.
If you go C3 swordsman, C3 Highlander and C3 Barb you will probabily suckā€¦ no damage compared to R7/R8/R9 classes, even with C3 of your choices.

First time i heard about TOS, i loved the system simple because i tought i could chose any path i wanted(respecting synergies of course) and still be good. That doesnt happen at allā€¦ Might me doableā€¦ but not good.


let me see ā€¦ only the skills of buff or the CC ones ā€¦ that if any old class you have chosen has it

But yeah ā€¦ only 1 skill, for each class ā€¦ still nothing for me ā€¦ I wanted a class that had only traps, but this can be easily overcome by 1 hit kill the Musketeer class

I totally agree with you

I like what they were doing with runecasterā€™s Ice Rune and Chaplainā€“the backwards amplifiers. Classes that specifically amp up the old classes I like that.

You could make enchanter amplify the effect of Damage and/or Stat buffs. Suddenly Thaum maintains itā€™s role.

And itā€™s not like you canā€™t just balance for state of the game. You can just go in and directly buff classes that arenā€™t scaling into the new content when you need. And if youā€™re worried about imbalancing early game just make sure the buff or rework is all about improving scaling. Thatā€™s development 101.

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the reason why skills were moved down was because there were too many on C1 at the time and the extra skills were moved down to the new rank like intendedā€¦

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I got some stuff set up to get an updated translation going in the Korean client using some of the patch files used on the latest English steam ToS client. Hereā€™s how you can get it installed:

  1. Download language.ipf from this URL:!MVpS1TxQ!WSP2e72MxLzxVsHsJfRMERb_BA6vq6hx8qCTomX7108
  2. Download the latest ToS translation by going to and hitting the ā€˜Download Zipā€™ button.
  3. Put language.ipf into your treeofsavior\data\ folder. You might want to backup your existing language.ipf.
  4. Open the english translation zip, and extract the contents of the EnglishTranslation-master folder into your treeofsavior\release\languageData\en\ folder. If you arenā€™t overwriting files, youā€™re doing it wrong. If you donā€™t have the original tos english patch installed, go do that first.

This should be roughly the current status of the iOBT preparations, to give you a good idea of where thatā€™s at at the moment.


Mary e Doddler q.q!

I donā€™t care!

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