Tree of Savior Forum

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er i don’t think so. alt-z :smiley:

/20 charas

Thanks a lot. Then i guess i will have to consider my build carefully on iOBT. I really hate weapon swapping due the only reason is i play from Australia, which results in very high ping. I dont even want to remember how many times i was nearly killed when i tried to swap weapon during mission boss on my Cata. :sob:

I’m in aus too and weapon swapping is a nightmare on kTos hahah. I’m with you in carefully planning my build :wink:

Did you have the right weapon in weapon swap slot?

Yeah. It was a pretty solid build with one rank of pelta and hoplite to reinfore the cata path. Most of the missions i went without the healer, i will just switch to shield and spear to tank. However, when i tried to help dps with my 2 hand spear and swap weapon, the stupid poata may knock me to death if i cannot swap in time. My screen sometimes just freezes 5 seconds when i swap. It also destroyed my build of utilizing 100% uptime in finestra with Zega spear equipped due to the swap freeze time. :cry:

Yes i did. I always had a shield to use swash buckling. I thought that only swash buckling is affected, however, when i tried to use the S.Thrusting of hoplite with my 2 hand spear, they still say “not right weapon” and doesnt automatically swap weapon despite having my 1h-spear and shield equipped on the other slot.

You could always use a 1h spear and a dagger :slightly_smiling: swashbuckling works with that

well, it’s kinda hard to choose that dual when i have the orange 2h spear 170 +10 haha. The damage is too much different to be sacrificed.

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Thank you all for helping. One more question, anyone plays SR before? I want to ask about limacon. With 0 cooldown, does that skill become your main AA when you become a SR? If someone can give me some real footage ingame of a SR now, it would be very helpful. IMO, 1 shot and have to run a bit then shot again doesnt sound very good to me.
WIth all the cata buff in moving while charging, i think SR should have the same similar buff. But i didnt see anything from the patch log. Charging while standing still with a mount is not…practical i guess.

Especially if you want to include highlander in cata build, i suppose :sunglasses:

Can’t view, I even tried to create an account but it seems it’s asking me for something mobile confirmation, not sure since it is chinese but I already verified it thru my e-mail, hope you can provide an english guide…

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well, its very long… let me see how i can do it. i am a bit lazy to translate it.

Here you go.


DiscKZee, are you coming to iToS? or staying at krToS?

I’ve not been actively playing kTOS, so I’ll definitely be playing on the International servers. :slightly_smiling:


try use 2hand sword as main weapon drag 2hand spear into weapon swap slot
then use cata skill. lets see if auto swap work or not


20/ character

It’s just didn’t feel right at all, that Rank6 C2 and Rank5 C3 classes are so underpowered by Rank7 class.

If you want a example, Just look at how miserable Falconer C2 is… :anguished:

I think they overbuff Rank7 too much at this point. :cold_sweat: