Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I never said it’s impossible, all im saying is:
-A R7 skill will always have more damage than a R1/R2/R3 Skill, even if you go C3 for what you choose.

The way i thought it would be:
-Every skill use a % of your physical/magic damage.

Simple as that.

So, even if “X” class is R1 or R9, if you like you can do it (well).
And please, dont come with this utopic idea of “anything is possible” ok?.. there’s a world between do something and do it well and there’s nothing to do with being meta.

I still like the game, still gonna play… it’s just not what i were expecting and that’s not a problem.


looks like it’s almost done :open_mouth:

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this sounds like an accurate description on how i’m going to play itos :smiley:

turn undeaaad


You cleary have a problem with interpretation… i said exactly that.

Of course not… most games use a percentage on the damage mechanics, so that first skill you got when you start the game can still do a good damage at late. Most of the time that doesn’t happen on TOS…

Again… pretty much what i’m trying to say. What is the point of having 10 ranks, if the 5 first ones doesn’t matter? the way things are going at rank 10(assuming we will reach that) we will use only R8, R9 and R10 skills. Just look the diferente in R6 C2 and R7.

But why bother trying to explain again? like i said at the begin, you cleary have a problem with interpretation.


hahahaha, well. someone is going to bang the wall with the plain of theory :smiley:


it seems these iCBT2 players have more experiences than krToS players :smiley:

Hey guys something came to mind. Is this skill a debuff or a dot? Are dots debuffs?

Well I’m asking mainly because of this

do they work together?

This is game about constantly raising new characters, so
1)Your hidden class rank takes usual rank spot. You just completing the quest and when you have enough exp to rank up you will get an option to choose hidden class. Since we have constant number of rank levels, number of rank ups is constant as well.

2)You won’t be able to change nor hidden class nor usual class for the same reason. Actually usual classes are just as “hidden”, since before anyone reach them you don’t know how it’s abilities work. So if someone uncovers hidden class it’s their choice to alter their build adding it or simply drop it, announce it to the public or keep for themselves. Anyway, after uncovering every rank it’s your choice, to continue raising your character or make a new one to reach a mythical “perfect” build. Mythical because if there were one such build, it would have been nerfed sooner or later. Because this game is beatiful in it’s inperfection: you can’t ger everything, nor you can get nothing at all. Nearly any skill has it’s usage and you just have to find your own balance.

Still, there are some unhealthy mechanics, but even they have it’s counters. And if something will dominate the game too hard, it will be nerfed to the ground when community gets bored of it. That’s how good games usually work.

Still… I totally agree with you.

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They actually seem to be following a certain distance from final ranks to select which class will receive buffs

Archer,Ranger,Quarrel,Cryomancer all received some radical buffs so they can carry builds of any class

Some classes can be worth only for attributes if you want only a mechanic(Highlander,Peltasta,Cataphract,SR,Hoplite,).

Paladin,Wugushi,Hoplite,Psychokino,Diev all received recent buffs that make C2 or C3 worth

They will probably do something about Rank 5~6 classes soon,these are the most sufferable ones actually.You get 3 or 2 Circles to have ultra subpar stuff compared to Rank 7 C1.

I don’t think so.

People just dont see rank 5 and 6 in the right light.

Depends on the class, but most are in a sad state

The statues fit for the arena pvp in Fedi town are base on 2v2 or 5v5?

Conversion OP
That horde of minions just sold me out. I’m not sure if this guys is pure STR but if he is… dayum. You can actually clear any dungeons without a party lol.

Conversion + Barrier V/S Boss
I had no idea that Barrier does more damage than Smite. This is quite interesting combos to play against upcoming world bosses and such.

Edited: Barrier scaled with magic attack.

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Finally a video on [conversion]. The minions aren’t as stupid as I thought they would be.

I would be so sad if you can’t use this in endless tower.

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Actually when you will have say, 4k PATK at level 500, any of your skills will deal 8k damage at least due to attributes. That’s where % damage is applied.
And lots of early ranks skills have multihits which is basically {number of hits}*200% scaling. Those flat damages on musketeer skills are sure great, but it basically has only 200-400% scalings, which is LOWER then those early game “low” damage multihits. But I agree, if they fix defense system, then those multihits may become trash one day, but I don’t see it happening in nearest future.

Anyway, musketeer shots are easily blocked by low level priest, so why even care?

And about R6 c2 vs R7, Doppel and Fencer c2 are totally comparable to Dragoon. The same for mages. Cleric and Archer r7 are truly strong, but it’s more about r5-6 classes being weak, basically r2-r3 classes are usually better then r5-r6. I can totally compare c4 chaplain with plague doctor and it is not much weaker (stone skin rules).

That’s why you are free to choose any combination you want, some of them are scaling better and some worse, but there are nearly no truly bad combinations. If you are thinking about your choices cleverly you will never have really big problems with your build.

Tell it to squire or falconeer c2) Sure not all r5-r6 classes are bad, still there are most of the bad classes at ranks 4-6. Squire and Rodelero, Hunter (though he is c3 but he is so bad that I included him)) and Falconeer c2. Scout and Rogue c3 also feel a bit underpowered for me, but I agree the last 2 might be better then I think. And Priest has Sadhu. Won’t include pardoner, since it’s money making class.

And the main reason why those classes are bad, is because they are inferior not only to r7 but also for r1-r3 classes, and their higher ranks skills often have no synergy with other classes.

That Pardoner is the most ridiculous thing (beside c2 falconer) scroll that counter the benefit of the class itself. If don’t take at least priest c2 can’t open shop?. Pardon c3 level 15 simony for level 15 scroll?

this class already dead since Divine Might nerf era

I don’t see any damage numbers from barrier, which should appear if it was doing damage. I think it’s the minion damage instead.

Still not quite sure how conversion scales with skill level though.

It’s still a circle, so floor4 mobs can reversi it. But with some decent timing it should be doable.

It may even have less options now a days, the simony & spell shop list were changing with almost every update during icbt2. And not for the better.

Discern evil is quite strong though, if it does indeed work with incinerate that is.

I mean that if endless tower mobs are elite.