Tree of Savior Forum

"Weak" and truly weak classes and suggestions about their improvement

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Speaking about “useless” older classes, and realy weak ones.

Most rank 1-2 classes are great. Archer, Ranger and QS are nice (they need some improvements to unpopular skills to make choice less obvious but they for sure have strong abilities). Every single mage class is good and they synergise pretty well. Priest and Krivis are godlike. Cleric c2-c3 may be lacking, but it has c1 abilities which scale pretty great so it is not that bad as well. Peltasta is godlike PvE tank and Highlander’s skills are great for 2H swordies. Swordsmen is the only class among rank 1/2 whith quite bad higher level circles. But I will talk about it later.

The biggest problem are r3-r6 classes. Some of them (especially higher circles) really ARE underpowered.

@STAFF_John, here are my suggestion on some classes:

1)Swordsman: with present defense system Pommel Beat is 100% useless skill.
I wonder how much is bonus damage on stunned, if it is doubled, then it is not that bad but still very situational skill. Thus it’s not worth investing points in it.

My suggestion would be replacing flat armor ignoring by % armor ignoring with the same numbers. Then it would worth taking and maybe even maxing this skill. And bonus damage on stunned should remain, so it would be nice skill to use in combos even in late game.

Restrain should be swapped in ranks with double slash and grant 10% per skill point stun chance (up to 50%). HP reduction doesn’t matter right now. I think it should be 5%+1% per level instead or flat 10%. Double slash should have the same stats, but scaling up to 10 levels.

Concentrate additional base damage should be double the amount of stacks. Also it would be nice to add 2 additional stacks as a reward for ranking up at level 6 and 11 (with total 30 stacks at 15). This way it will deal up to 4500 pure damage at max level with maxed attribute which is still lower then most skills damage but it will add up to your damage instead of replacing one of your attacks, so it may become worth investing points into it unlike now. Other skills can be buffed by adding/buffing skill attributes. For example make thrust continuous attack attribute max level be 5*circle. So 15% chance at max attr level. It can be applied to lots of other abilities as well.

Another good idea (not for swordsman but for any class) would be adding bash-like speciality attributes at circle 3 for every unpopular skill and make attribute’s max level increase by 3 with every third level of the skill. This way skills with poor scalings will become much better. So if you like them and invest more points and money into them, they will eventually shine. It would be nice to make fully specialised level 15 skill from lower rank classes with maxed attributes to be on par with not specialised skills from higher circles. Specialisation may also be like adding special effect attribute at level 12 etc. I won’t suggest % based damage increases however, since they don’t fit ToS style. This game is mostly about flat numbers.

Also defense stat, especially on skills should be rebalanced, those 30 defense decreasing skills are so ridiculous. For example you can improve defense stat gain from any sources by ~50% but add more stacking defense shattering effects that last for like 10+ seconds. It will also open lots of new ways of rebalancing Rodelero (like shattering enemy defense and protection from shattering your defense).

2)Rodelero: I don’t think they are THAT useless, but need some quality rework, since most of their skills are boring and not unique at all. As I wrote earlier, the good idea might be making it more defense stacking/defense shattering class. I’m sure, people would love it.

3)Squire: sure it may look useful but it is actually trash class right now. Stat buffs are flat and have low numbers. Also they will disappear if you swap location, as I know.

Only decent skill is weapon maintenance and yet it is not good enough. I would suggest adding another c2 Weapon and Defense buffs granting like 3%+1% per skill level weapon damage buff and defense buff without hit limit but with limited duration which will have duration increase attribute c3 (to 2h).

And make flat buffs renewable with infinite duration, but strictly limited on number of hits (like 100+50 per lvl+INT on armor with +5x100 from attribute and x3 of this for weapon). I like INT scaling here, since it will make specially trained squires with high INT very valuable “blacksmiths”.
Also it might be good to add +INT seconds to duration of % buffs, but it may make them too good.

Also make minimal price of those buffs very high (like 15000 coins for flat and 20000 for % buffs, or just scaling prices according to level of equipment/player), but much lower minimal price for party and guild members. This way squires will remain valuable party members and become welcomed at every guild. This way squire buffs won’t be used often for usual levelling but will be bought before hard dungeons and treated like luxury. Also buffs with long durations should not disappear after changing zones.

Lastly, weapon and armor flat buffs should also be increased. Like +10(+3) per level for physical defense with attribute at level 5(max level 25) which adds 1.4 magic defense at a cost of 1 physical defense per point. So max stats at level 15 would be 30 physical defense + 35 magic defense (with minimal buffing cost for non “friends” like 200 gold per point of defense scaling with armor level appliable only on armor. A great addition would be attributes adding short durational buffs (30 minutes long with cd of reapplying like 2 hours) granting like 10-20 evasion or crit resistance on armor and accuracy or crit attack on weapon (for flat and % based buffs).

Repair should be max level 5 skill with 3 value per point. Arrest should be removed at all as it simply doesn’t fit in the role. People take it only because armor maintenance is useless. I think adding more alternatives on enchancements like I described before is much better option then half assed cc ability.

Base camp and refreshment table also need a rework I think. They should be lvl 1 max skills and every type of food being lvl 5 max skill. Food should have flat stat buffs(INT, STR etc.) instead of present food effects, this way it will become much more useful. It would be nice if level 5 food provided +15 stat with max attribute. And food should last for a hour with no attributes prolonging duration but instead attribute that grants present stat bonuses. So there would be 4 food items in total:

Salad: STR +1 per level, attribute (c3) + 4% max HP, 5 levels, attribute c1 +1 str per lvl, 10 levels.

Sandwich: INT and SP

Soup: SPR and SP interval -1 sec per attr level.

Yogurt: DEX and HP interval.

Base camp should be lvl1 max as well, c3 skill with no buff effect duration increase but instead all squire skill levels would be increased by 1 and it should be possible to open it in town. This way it will become some type of workstation. Cooldown should be as it is (6h), but it should decrease to 1h if you dismantle it by yourself refunding half cost of setting.
Finally, there should be one shop for all 5 types of buffs (4 weapon/armor + repair) with 1lvlmax as well. Food making is solely party focused skill, since durations are quite short.

This way circle 1 will be for a chosen kind of food and flat buffs, circle 2 for % based buffs and more food and circle 3 will basically bring more skill points to distibute. You will be able to focus on making money (you will need 25 points to max armor or weapon upgrading facility, 5 points for repair, 2 points for shop and 13 points to spend on whatever you like). Or you can focus on party buffing, with all 4 types of food maxed, % armor and weapon buffs, which would be 40 points, plus 3 for stations. Another 2 points cand be repair or anything you want. Also shop and table should have no cd and cost nothing to depart (like item in your inventory which is 500 points of weight and can be used only through skill), but to make anything you have to pay.

Still, with current defense system even such defense stats would most probably lose to weapon buffing. This is how I see a true squire - blacksmith with a sword or a book, depending on your desired target.

Every other class in swordsman tree is quite fine and doesn’t require immediate buffs/reworks.

4)Hunter. Just doesn’t work properly, and really needs rework and AI improvement.

5)Falconeer c2. No reason to take this.

Priest also has some flawy classes (like Sadhu), but I want to first hear the response on swordsman suggestions.

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Falconer’s Circling has use in PvE and the falcon is annoying to stealth cahracters in pvp as far as i’ve been reading.

hunter’s pet ai, yah the ai is stupid which is the issue to why its not a good class.

squire seems fine, the only issue it the armor maintenance as the bonus defense is very miniscule compared to aspersio pardoner buff.

rodelero is almost useless. its probably the weakest class right now. im not speaking in DPS terms, Rodelero seem to be designed as a CC swordsman class but other classes can do better CC than the Rodelero.

buff paladin plz

Chaplain make paladin like a joke

Bokor also have some problem in high level map and dungeon

theyre supposed to lol,chaplain is higher rank and hidden after all

Wait, haven’t you openly said that you’ve never played the game before? Unless I’m mistaken on that, I really have to question why you’re even making a post like this. Seriously.


Lol your mind will explode if you reply to all these threads

Read patch notes. Paladins got a buff not that long ago.

i know

but still not enough

paladin’s buff is really dispensable ,

dps also not outstanding , especially compare with Monk or Chaplain

if im a Priest , i have no reason to choose paladin now

Chapalain have powerful buff for teammate ( especially for Archer’s Running Shot+Kneeling Shot ) and also have powerful normal attack in solo .

Sure you do its called resist elements which is a AMAZING buff. and before you say o but thats one skill, krivis is in that boat to.

Resist Elements is a good buff but not a AMAZING buff

first . high level mob’s Elements magic have several thousand such as Ice Bolt

full level and atr Resist Elements only have 162 damage resistance

19% to vold damage is pretty good . but not all mob have element skill

Few opportunities can really come in handy

all above , its need to be c3 and get 15lv full level

c1 paladin is so weak , its not worth to get c3 paladin now

you have more important other choice for build

such as c2 or c3 cleric for high level heal krivis’s Daino etc

By comparison Chapalain just have one class and get a lot of benefit

Which is funny because i don’t view Chaplin as all that great. All its good at is standing there and hitting things with auto attacks. But im looking at pve and pvp where i see uses for paladin in both and i see chaplin as better in pve but seems extremely poor for pvp.

Perhaps because the skills do not scale with stats. I think the biggest issue is the Stats, where they should either have SPR scale with some of the Paladin skills, or they should have a new main Stats to balance the other 5.

Yeah, but I’ll definitely play iOBT, so I would like to see some improvements. Also I think I understand the mechanics pretty well to make a suggestions. And if I’ve mistaken on something then you people can correctb me and help me improve those suggestions if you think they have good ideas inside.
I think making suggestions about game improvement is one of the main reasons of beta existance.

I can’t imagine why people will pick squire above almost any other class, since it is not nearly as profitable as alch or pardoner, and pretty bad utility wise. It now looks simply like party slot waster.

Yeah, I’ve not played but theorycrafted a lot and designed several terrifyingly looking builds. Every single of them provides more damage, more utility and more stats then squire including build. It may be viable only at parties of 15+ people and only because all other buffer type characters would be included. It is simply the worst buffer class right now.

Another good idea might be adding hidden squire class like chaplain (but it has to be REALLY good since priest is so much better then squire and it is r2 class). But even with hidden class squire definitely needs c3 rework.

If I’m wrong in my thoughs then correct me pls.