Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)


Like some sort of Pokemon.


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YT links still not working. :sob:

Also, @Gwenyth saying AISU WOOORU!!! is really cute. :cake:


Personally about japanese voice, one thing for sure that I hate about, is archer’s voice.
Since my character’s class is mostly archer, I will never want to use the japanese voice, as korean voice is more superior for this class.

It definitely is better for some classes over others. I loved the Japanese voices for the wizard classes. That’s why it’s best for an option to switch language packs if you want to, especially since it doesn’t affect any other players while possibly improving your own gameplay. I don’t see why we should be limited if the data is already readily available.

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server was online for 10 m :v: :smiley:

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I hope they get decent voice actors.

will they beat Aion???

Aion was garbage. I hope they have a decent budget for voice actors. If they don’t, there’s always Dan Green and his “cluck like a chicken” infamous line.

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the reason why you MUST play psychokino as male


i think the BEST thing they could do is making the voice a character thing
if you could choose wich voice your character will have, and people would listen to it independent from which language their game is :smiley:


I would but I’m already making a necromancer for cackle powers: and that’s not even my favorite:

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there was such voice? sigh other negative for being deaf

LoL someone tryed desperate… and got in while they messed around with the servers.

Bet they laguhed hard at that~

i have a question :o

how deaf ppl think? i mean, i always “hear” my thoughts, in words, like my conscience is a little voice in my head

when you’re thinking, you see numbers and letters? images? :confused:

(this is a legit question, if i sound weird, it’s just because my english is not thaaaat good)


we picture it or imagine it as hand signing =3


Guys, I am planning to play a character based on single-target dps (pvp orientation). How do you think a character like mine can progress throughout the entire game? I mean, is it possible to level up/farm effectively without AOE at all? And by “effectively” I mean that I don’t have to sit at least an hour to find a linker or a perfect party to start grinding (is it effective to dungeon the entire game? Will instanced dungeon give you nuff silver? What are other progressing method that’s available besides grinding, instanced dungeon, and quests?). Need sum insights here. Thanks berry thanks.

A few questions regarding Chronomancer to all of you Kr ToS players:

  1. Is Quicken still buggy for high ping player?
  2. Does Back Masking work properly?
  3. Does reincarnate revive bosses? I saw someone say it does but i need 100% confirmation, i just can’t stop thinking about it xD