Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Have you put any points into the reiter c2 skill? I am curious as to what it’s like. Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

switch between application while ToS map is loading will normally cause this issue :confused:

I have Retreat Shot at Lv.10 and Wild Shot at Lv.5. I regret getting Lv.2 on Caracole and I have Lv.3 Concentrated Fire.

Oh, sorry. I didn’t read you want to know an opinion. Retreat Shot is now one of my stronger skills (maybe better than Spiral Arrow and Barrage if I have a wall on 1v1) and Wild Shot is most like a filler skill ;-;

@jinfin It’s crashing when I’m killing monsters, sometimes walking, sometimes waiting afk watching monsters being killed… lol. Already even reinstalled the game and so ;-; ;-; ;-;

2 Likes A huge oversight with the attribute UI, please relay this to the dev team. @STAFF_J @STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn


Indeed this needs Attention…


They already know this.

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I’m wondering… How is Battle League ranking chart actually assessed? I mean, does a person who loses 20x get more point than a person who wins 9x?

Guy, where is the Lv175 dungeon? I can’t find it -*-

Help miiiii :cry:

Somewhere in Nuoiridin Falls.

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Found it! , Thank :smiley:

Hey, I tried Lv175 dungeon full run, I found that it give so little EXP , just 10% per run, is this normal? =_="

Yes, it is really like this. ;-; Are you doing Siauliai runs?

Between that, quests, Siauliai runs, and mission quests you have to break the 186 barrier, reach 190 and start the process again with a better instance dungeon =P

So basicaly, it’s like this?

“Congrate! you have pass a grind wall!, now welcome to another grind wall”? :open_mouth:

Tis like that from the very moment you create your character.


Anyone has there at hand which are the Token benefits aka VIP?? I just bought one in the market and would like to understand more =P

From the depths of this thread, I give you: Token. Also, there were some further modifications later, not listed there, like increased bonus EXP.

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Now it’s something new, almost my entire party is crashing each 20 minutes or less while grinding. lol

pfff realesed version xD…

but yeah could be something with ip/or moded files on your end.
Like language files.

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I’m positively surprised no one said anything about token getting +1 buff limit benefit. :relieved: