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Punji stake + Circling?
Also had last rites and jolly roger on him as buffs for added dmg.

I guess Collar Bomb was there too.

I know.


You coudl do the same with cartarstorke.

Punji Trap, deals damage to the enemy. AND launches said enemy. With a true aoe.
Launched enemy falls down on the same spot, and each enemy does 50% of your base atk to all other enemys.

Itā€™s like 30 enemys* 50% of your atk. ā€¦ Or was it skill atk. No i think only atk (+buffs+crit if crit).

Itā€™s called secondary knockback or fall damage.
That skill was useless in most situations icbt2 ā€¦ but when you could mob enemys, it really shined. Sadly cd for sapper traps is WAAAAY to highā€¦

I plan to make an archer2>sapper3>falconer>cannoner ā€¦ and a fletcher for two different reasons.
Sapper/Archer/Falconer have good synergy (claymore can hit 3 times ā€¦ with 300% atk + 900atk. Itā€™s a three line aoe. If theyre Close enough and large enough its neatā€¦ and punji stake, stackades and broom trap so nice xDā€¦ not to mention collar bombā€¦ which gets resisted alotā€¦)

Nope he didnt use it. Still unused.

Just punji stakes attribute +50% true dps to enemys + enemys around them.
And naturally atk buffs from party.

Collar Bomb resist was reduced in last patch xD (finally!)


So i actually could make that work now ā€¦ if int version gets the same patch from day oneā€¦

But yeah. About punji stake, it feels good to see people use skills ā€¦ that were demeed totaly useless in ways they were meant to be used.

Next thing to do for sappersā€¦ either make claymore and punjistake overheat skills with two chargesā€¦ or reduce cd a bit ā€¦

Broom trap is fine. It can stay up more then half of the time.
Collar bomb is fine too, really op damage in needfull situations.
Stockades dont need any buffs.
But claymore trap cd and punji trap cd (+freaking trap duration time) is so silly.

Still never tested if i could make a trap stay waaaay longer by concealing it ā€¦ totaly forgot to do that.

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What do you mean by that? O_o

IIRC claymore can do two hits (one from initial explosion and one for the other explosion lol) with AoE Ratio of 3 but you can get it 5 or more with equipment and soā€¦

Itā€™s not to hard to make an large mob stand in a way, that two of the buckshots line hit him.
Then thereā€™s the secondary atack like lunar said. Which nets in another.

Itā€™s 1 time an AOE cone.
And one time an 3 line buckshot.

Atleast thats how it was icbt2.
Look at some videos ā€¦or the sample of tosbase. It riggers two different kinds of explosions.

One reason why it is a good waveclear.

Claymore got 5 aoe natural.
3 trough attribute.
2 from vubbe.
And around 3 from headgears (the cash shop ones/ dungeon finds).
1~3 from other equip bonuses (not recommended, if you need to stick with something really long that makes your atk weaker etc.)

So you can have 10 rather easily and up to 16 aoe atk ratio on that.
Having aoe atk ratio of 5 trough vubbe+ headgear bonuses, will make you able to hit 6 small, 3 medium or 2 large enemys with multishot too. Without takeing hits away ā€¦ as multishot is a hidden aoe skill of 0 (similar how bash has aoe atk ratio of 0 naturally, but gets buffed from swordys + attributes instantly).

Or get falcone rin your build. And enjoy unlimited aoe atks.
But punji and stockades, colar bomb and broom trap. Are already unlimited xD. So it only influences claymore/ multishot at most ā€¦ (atleast i donā€™t know of other hidden aoe skills of archer class).

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I was played it on icbt1 & 2 and also indocbt, Never saw it hit more that one, it this come from new patch? interesting O_o

Any info on companion equipment? Whatā€™s the effect? Are they available? Are they viable for battle league?

Didnt they scratch Companion equipments, along with Amulets and Wands?

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There are slots for Companion Equipment but I donā€™t know if thereā€™s anything that can be used tho.

P.S.: Now my game crashes a lot even on grinding maps. I donā€™t need dungeons to crash a lot now ;-;

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I found the amulets very cute in closed betaā€¦ I guess they will come back later on in a better adjusted system

They werenā€™t yet ready for public usage.

People abused them when they tested them on the server xD.
Atleast that is my take on why they were removed again.

Wands, Amulets and Comp Equip will surely come back.

Extra stuff for customization and time sinks.

Talking about time sinks Iā€™m still trying to get my 5kg dumbbell and had already more than 30 party quests ;-;

noob question time

i forgotā€¦ what is this item with a white letter icon again?

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and how many can i use per day?