Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

U canuse as much as u can

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oh my, this shouldn’t exist at all haha

I know hahaha lol 20chars

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It’s nice for doing like 20 dungeons and 20 siauliai runs per day :smiley:

You can lvl up so much

Yep. But please don’t use them on low exp dungeons like 100- or 175 or 217 or 240 x.x

Lol iuses most of it for lvl 115

I don’t remember if it worth using on 115 but I think it was good there for me.

Which are the good exp dungeons then?

I remember that 145 had a lot of monsters, 130 was “okay”, 190 is really good.

They should even out the missions exp wise, and make them random or something. U get tired of doing the same mission all over again and hating those damn bosses and their huge AoE skills that may kill my wiz lol.

Kinda curious but has there been more songs added into the OST for ktos from the new updates? and if so where would i find them?

All BGM files are located under C:\Nexon\TreeOfSavior\release\bgm

I actually do see some very new BGMs. King’s Valley by Kevin and Momento mori by S.F.A.

My iCBT2 TOS bgm folder have 98 files in it.
That dude have 140 TOS songs in his cloud. I’m pretty sure he updates them fast.

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190… I am coming. 184 now…2 levels to exp curve then… 190.

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Arpg blood in my veins lol

but controller is pretty comfy too, just gotta get used to it


Once you’ve used a controller for ToS, you can never go back, although your limited to playing swordsman/cleric comfortably.

I use a PS3 controller myself, but an Xbox One controller should work just fine.

Personally I like controller so much for ToS that I refuse to play wizard/archer even if I think they’d be fun to play. I won’t play them till I can play them effectively with a controller.