Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Thanks! I’ll take those into consideration…
Apologies for the mention of sorc, it was a mistake. LOL

Any advice on where to farm letters being lv194+?? Easy mobs and good numbers?? It has to be lv174+ monsters

Saw this video a long time ago and I was just like :frowning: Dansgame

But dont forget you can link your ice wall (If I remember correctly)

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If you link all the walls together, they share damage but don’t produce extra shards. It just makes the icewall die quicker.

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talking about earth…

do you know if earthquake can interact with ice wall and create shards?_?

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ah! so sad…

ok thanks…

… Why use abressive … you can easily farm mats.

And if they add buy in shops again, buy them cheap from idiots … i mean lambs … i … darn i can’t think of an nice way of sayin.

“HEY IM BUYING THESE 1 silver TRASH LOOTS for 5~10 silver here!” Buy in Shop goers … that fall for that …

I tested it out, because i wanted to know how much i could make afk.
… the shop closed when i was max weight.
More mats then i had farmed in an hour before, just for small changes.

I was one of these rare people, running around with level 5 gems as level 60. And i got it up to 7 before i went and tryed out other classes… and began swapping around stuff. Heck … how much money did i waste to market tax xD…

Hey don’t be … most interact with it.

Cyclone is still my favorite … that 3 seconds boss kill on same level …

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Btw steady aim does not affect the tick poison damage on wugushis. ( It does affect the initial hit though ).

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I want to share 3 tips that helped me a bunch:

  • Don’t buy pots from NPC. Buy lv10 pots in market for cheaper.
  • If you +10 an equip near the Armor NPC in Fedimian, you’ll get a hidden quest. Do the quest but don’t complete it and you’ll have an always-ready fedi warp.
  • The Templar Master in Klaipeda gives you a quest too. Don’t complete it and save the warp.

very clever :sunglasses:

anyone about lv 80~90 that wants to play along? ‘3’ i’m too bored to play solo priest ~.~ and those koreans speaking korean are koreaning the korea out of me


wow havent been able to play for ages, but im back :smiley:

anyways a couple of questions
can you Xfer money with the new shared stash/warehouse?
do you lose potential when you Xfer stuff?
does the procc on chaplains aspergellium gain increased damage from aspersion:enhance

i did this too back in ICBT 2 but i used another quest, i think it was one for talking to a girl or something, also once your 130ish you get a quest for killing 100 monsters at the forest of prayer, just do that and keep the warp for klai :smiley:

I’ve no idea where else to put this but I wanted to know why the people recording** ice wall + other skills** haven’t done ice walls + fireballs + other skills, fireball being held in place using parts of the ice wall. I just wanted to put this somewhere most ktos players would see it #solo4lifesadface

Would maybe require 2 ice walls or a C3 Cryo to pull it off but man it would be awesome.

Carry on~

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I have seen party mix of pyro-linker and cryo-kino…

it look like a fancy mess xD

But then I won’t be able to get 5kg dumbbell in the party quests on Klaipeda (which only takes ~3 minutes) xD

What the f*ck just happen!? :open_mouth: