Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

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I am not sure, but I heard the no.2 is the share storage, it’s have only one slot, you put an item in it and swap another character to take it. But the item you transfer also lost it’s potential when your another character take it out.

Hmm so you have to fully upgrade it if you want to use the potential and you can’t trade it? That’s a little evil. But I guess its one way to make sure equipment keeps it’s value.

on the bright side, squire C3 will be viable now. LOL

I said dex will be much better eventually, when u has high base damage just from eq and str cant compete with it. But we dont know at what lvl it will be better or mybe we cant even reach that lvl. So, thats why im still stick to str. Right now, i dont think dex worth it since str giv huge amount of dmg per point better than dex.

MY end build atm.

Is a mix from Str/Dex/Con, in that distribution.

And for my statement about str pure builds being useless, because it doesn’t add much damage.
I correlated that to an real usefull tank build. I don’t care if i play a tank or if someone plays a tank and he get’s blocked alot. His damage will still be good, but he will do a better job at mobbing.

Trauamas 650+ atk (and 150 int bonus) is really good, simply because it adds onto you for free.

And for crit rate debate, crit atk and stuff.

Crit Atk doesn’t get multiplied or reduced by defense/skills … as far as i remember. So it’s good for AA builds.
Crit rate max should be around 320, level 10 gems would help here already alot. But i still will add 100 dex to my build, for evasion and accuracy reasons.
CON is needed for every class … some need more others less.
The STr bonus was in ICBT 2 already … atleast it explained why i was confused about my increase of str after an rank up… till someone told me why.

And for damage.

I was bored sometime a few weeks ago.
With 1240 base dps (from 2xx str + 700 atk weapon at level 280).
You can dish out good dps as archer:
bounceshot deals 110k damage to a group of mobs (ground type).
Multishot deals 83k damage with 16 hits and if you can hit multiple targets per hit, it will do 415k damage to 5 with good aoe atk ratio and the right enemys (or circling and it really get’s op when it hits unlimmmited mob counts).
Barrage can deal 34k damage to a single enemy, multiplyable by amount you hit.

The only thing i kind of forgot when making that calculations, was blockrate penetration. But for that i actually would need to know how much these 280+ mobs have…

If we assume the Damage Formula thread has correct information, Crit Attack gets buffed by every modifier other than Crits own Crit dmg (+50%) and T0 Modifiers like Skyliner on bleeding target.

That means it gets buffed/reduced by element/armor types, attribute damage (+0%/100% depending on how much you trained that skill) and even the “400%” + X damage part in the skill discriptions.

So if your skill does 400% + 3k skill damage (most Musketeer skills have similiar multipliers, Stone shot and most likely Running Shot for example), with 400 STR, you’ll gain 1600 crit attack and 1600 attack from that alone whenever you use these skills… keep in mind that this number, actually gets multiplied by 2 later in the calculation because modifiers are multiplicative… and if the enemy has the right armor type, you add another *1.5 before that

So in Musketeers case (most skills have at least 300% attack) when you hit the right target with a fully enhanced skill. 400 STR on a crit actually adds (400 *1.5+400) *3 *1.5 *2 = 9000 dmg.

Hey guys I have a quick question about skills that reduce AoE defense ration (like falconers Circling skill)
Is it as simple as: there is a group of 10 monsters > you use circling lvl10 > a single arrow will hit all 10 mobs?
(Obviously it depends on the mobs distance from each other (and the mob size small/med/large?))
hope this question makes sense, thank you.

Nope it don’t work like that, you may read further in this thread

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thank you for the link

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did they just increase dugeon charge in a day?

It’s 5 per day normally, How many is it now? :open_mouth:

idk, i’m running my 7th turns @@! , maybe it’s a bug

lucky you then :wink:

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So Earth Tower Raid? will paladin 3 be needed now for their barriers?

or Decatose for insta kill

Glad ppl are finally considering long-ignored pallies…

when I saw that earth-fic tower fail vid it immediately reminded me of this barrier


I really think C3 Pallies would be gold since most dungeon mobs are of demon type


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about that decay, have you figured out how much hp does it really remove (percentage) ? Is it applied as a one time chunk or a constant reduction? Will it stack with other sources of decay (dirty pole, etc)

Actually it seems that full DEX build > full STR or even balanced STR/DEX build if talking about fighters, since it will have insane evasion rate.

Assuming lvl 280 rank 8 swordsmen , with 50 bonus points (since I am not playing KOBT and don’t know how much of this you can get, it may be overrated, but stats from items should cover it).

Balanced build invest 174 points in STR, 74 in CON and 81 in DEX. Full DEX is all 329 in DEX.

Main stats are:

Balanced: 24k HP, 660+500 (weapon)+500 (Thaum)=1660 ATK, 385 Acc(+items?), 380 crtATK, 105+150(items) crtRATE, evasion<enemy accuracy - no dodges, critRES 100.

FULL DEX: 16k HP, 293+500+500=1293 ATK, 716 ACC (enough to never miss), 0 crtATK, 436+150 crtRATE, 716 EVA (+items), critRES 0.

Defense: both 210

Dodge and crit chance:


0% dodge, 38%(surprisingly high) crit

FULL DEX (assuming items give 100 more acc then EVA - it’s based solely on my imagination):

29% dodge, 73% crit

Average damage per hit(auto):

B: ((1660-210)*1.5+380)*0.38+(1660-210)0.62=1870 dmg/AA assuming evasion: 18700.71=1609 dmg/AA

FD: (1293-210)1.50.73+(1293-210)*0.27=1478 dmg/AA no evasion here, I assume that both go pure damage build w/o shield (if using shield B has 13% more block chance just from CON, so it may be better to use shield/1H for maximum potential as B).

As you can see in straightforward clash with no spells Balanced build has upper hand and it also has more HP. And if using the best weapon against enemy armor type the difference is even bigger.

But when adding spell damage it is not that obvious anymore.

Assuming maxed attribute level B attacks start with (1609-1478)*2=262 more avg dmg/atk with 0 skill damage.

Every 100 spell damage grants FD (1001.5(0.73-0.38)+100*(0.27-0.62))=35 dmg over B - which is not that much.

To overcome the difference skill base damage should be at least 750 damage in order to equalize damage.

Taking into account only raw dps(if both hitting not each other but targer w/o evasion) starting difference is 400*2, so the spell base damage should be at least 2300 to start outdamaging balanced build. In addition this build has much lower HP, so for 5v5 PvP purposes it is not very viable, since any mage can burst through it’s low HP pull through all that evasion. Still, against physical damage heavy teams it may be pretty OK, if you are playing a class with lots of 800+ base damage abilities.

That’s why full DEX build truly may become a thing in future, if more skills with several thousand base damage start to appear, although it would be much safer to invest some points into CON. In endgame I see no point in going DEX>STR>CON since stats become much more effective if you have 500+ points gathered in one stat then splitting them, and at level 500 100 STR investment won’t make any difference. That’s why it would be more benefical to go B build or full DEX little CON build. However on lvls 400+ con seems to be not that effective since base HP is already very high and 60-70 con gives just few thousands, so which is better is debatable and will depend on types of monsters and their damage. CON might be essential to simply avoid being one shotted.

The only thing I can say for sure is that full STR will fall off late game. The onlt way how it may be viable it would be possible to achieve decent crit rates(~10-25%) w/o investing points into DEX, but I assume that STR>DEX based balance depending on your gear would bring the best results. Since there would be a lot of skills and items the math would become much more complicated. Basically vs highDEF/lowEVA enemies and in AA based builds str>dex, vs highEVA and lowDEF and in heavy skill based builds DEX>STR.

So STR dominates mages, mages dominate DEX and DEX dominates STR (EVA rules). I think it is very well balanced. CON is needed for all of them, but best for shield using builds for maximizing effective HP and block rate. Still not sure about SPR, it seems that investing in it for swordsman is quite pointless since you won’t be able to get good block penetration w/o sacrificing too much dps, so it’s way too situational. I wonder if it is even possible to make viable spirit heavy build for any class, maybe higher ranks will provide such a possibility.

Also, I wonder if they will make Thaumaturgs Transpose to prolong it duration w/o dropping the hp if recast before ending. It would provide pretty interesting mechanic by turning full INT Thaumaturg into probably the most bulky characters in the game. Though, I know it would be too OP, I would still like to see something like that in the game, just needs some balancing. (Someone said about wizard tanks?)


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