Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Atributes are weird some timesssssssssss.


yea market for refund & you can no longer takeout the items that are placed in collection now so be careful what you put in…


Sorry, i forgot to link them properly in the paste bin and they were set to private - i’ve put links for all the 3 posts and they can be found at the top of the latest pastebin post;

18/02/2016 Section I.
18/02/2016 Section II.
18/02/2016 Section III.


What time event Exp +50% @server time
Apply for Dungeon and hunting?

Translated Event information

“packet received during moving zone” ;-;

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Tanu Flower, anyone? lol

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Upgrades degrade Str’s value relatively speaking. 400 str when you have 200 base damage beforehand, is a 200% increase. 400 Str when you have 800 damage beforehand however is a 50% increase. See where it’s going? When you increase your weapons base you’re decreasing the relative contribution of STR. This helps Dex become more valuable. When you only have 200 base, a 50% increase is only 300 damage. Which is why if you have low base numbers, Str can be more valuable. Especially given that 50% increase is only real if you have 100% crit. Players often have something like 40-90% crit rate if they’re heavily investing on Dex and have bonus crit rate from things such as Finestra, Swiftstep, monstrance and green gems. Which means their real average damage increase from crit is often less then 50%.

To go further.
Say you’re level 200, rank 6, 12 base Str. 199 stat points
That’s 212 physical attack.
You have a weapon that gives 233-315 damage which averages at 274 damage.
So 486 Physical attack is what we’re working with on average.
199 stat points gives you 376 more Str, which gives you a 77% increase in your damage from base. Not even considering Crits and crit damage.This is good for AA’s.

Dex would give you a 50% boost + 12 damage from critical attack. Which is meagre.

Now if we +10 the weapon… It gains 120 more damage so
606 Is the base physical damage we’re dealing with now. 62% increase.
Notice that Str is now less of an increase to your base damage? Dex will stay with its potential 50%. In reality sure Dex is still crap for AA’s.

Lvl 200 Swordsman putting 199 into Dex has 257 Crit rate. Against an Enemy with 32 crit resistance thats a crit rate of 47.5% according to the mechanics thread.
Crits in reality then only increase damage by 23% on average, not 50% since he doesn’t have 100% crit rate.
Thats why Dex sucks…for Auto attacks.

But as you noticed before, STR’s contribution got less the more base we had…so now we add Skill damage on top of our AA damage.

The more you upgrade your weapon the less of an increase STR is worth relative to your base damage since upgrades…increase the base. Dex stays the same except for if you have noteworthy amounts of Crit attack.

STR is good for AA and low base damage multi-hit skill builds, Dex is good for high base skills since skills add additional base damage for Crit to work off of. Also Kneeling shot works very well with Dex.

Green gems lol @ Dex in my opinion because potential 92 Crit rate (lvl 10 green gems) on main weapon, 120 crit rate on off-hand weapon. Thats
276-304 Crit rate from gems alone depending on 3 slot 2Hander or 1hand + offhand.
Obviously getting lvl 10 gems at this stage isn’t realistic.
You don’t really need to invest in Dex to get a worthwhile crit rate due to Gems/equipment, and a good crit rate increases the value of Str further.
Imo: Get green gems, invest in Str, throw in some Con/SPR.

Note: Im aware I answered it in the first paragraph but I like to rant :slightly_smiling:


Ye, they’ll definitely nerf it.

So rare !!
One problem i always had with collection items is i couldn’t identify the half silhouettes to go into the box. <_<

Why does this always happen when nuns are involved with dungeons :frowning:

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UGH! don’t remind me D:

is it still a pain to get that darn flower that is more rare than a black rose in earth :expressionless:

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Because they didnt bring the right nuns.


Maybe they want the reward and not care that much for the exp?

But then they cant complain and ask for a nerf.

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Devs are/were pandering to casual audience stating that everything is viable and then drop this pig slaughterhouse surpise.

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rename the tower to slaughter house suprise? yes please


Im sure i read in reddit forum before dex vs str debate. Full dex will outdamage full str around lvl120++ for archer only. But that thread already outdated and before buff 10% str/int stat. They also compare survivability between both and for sure dex win.
Now, with implemented 3* map, both are useless in terms of survivability. U still need con. Back to damage argument, im sure full dex will eventually better than full str. The question is when it become more better (hope someone can calculate it =x).

someone know the new option in storage ?

1 personal storage
2 korean typo
3 cancel

i guess 2 is storage share ? but how it s work ?? im token user