Tree of Savior Forum

AoE Ratio calculations

Sorry for the almost tl;dr, needed some examples here. but…

I haven’t seen any posts confirming this for sure, but I was attacking different types of mobs while grinding and realized something. I was using 2h spear, which has a base aoe ratio of 4. I was fighting mainly medium/large mobs, and with the combo of them, I was able to hit 3 medium, 2 medium 1 large, and 2 large. These results were the same even when there were more monsters in range, ex 2 medium 2 large, and it always seemed to prioritize hitting the large size monsters first.

For another example I was fighting small size monsters, and when there were 4 of these together, I was actually able to hit 4 at once with autos, but when they were mixed in with any medium monsters I was only able to hit 3.

To the point, based on this, perhaps aoe ratio is a characteristic of every attack, and is reduced by enemies at the rate of 1 per small monster, 1.5 for medium monster, and 2 for large monsters, and prioritizes targets in order from large > medium > small. And as a rule, if after minusing from a larger target, you still have any amount > 0, you will still hit another target as per priority order, taken down until you reach 0 or less.

As per the examples, with an aoe ratio of 4 for auto attacks.
2 large = 2 + 2 = 4
2 medium 1 large = 2 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 5
3 medium = 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 = 4
2 medium 1 small = 1.5 + 1.5 + 1 = 4
4 small = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4

My only downfall since I started into the 2nd half of this beta test, is that I only have a cata to test with, so I have no aoe ratio weapons that add additional stuff ( no rares ) or 2handed swords with the bonus aoe ratio. Is there anyone who could possibly test out other numbers to see if this is true and verify with other aoe ratios?


I will verify it for you after I get home 6 hours later.

How do you know the size of a monsters other than checking it on site though?

Also, can you suggest me a good location to test it?

This may indicate that AOE defense ratio you used for some monster size is wrong.

You should be able to hit 1 medium and 3 small with your calculation.

Ehhhh guessing size might not be exactly easy to do. I was using impaler from cata to determine which weren’t large at least. But I think most monsters that are literally small on size, such as stuff like ellom, or some of the mobs in like baron allerno are small mobs, I have no idea what level you are. But even all of the hogma mobs besides the captains were medium, and able to be picked up with impaler, which only works on small/medium. But I’m pretty sure all elite mobs are considered large, such as hogma captain and the big guys that hang around in poslinkis forest. Size isn’t listed on any database that I’ve seen though. Unless you’re a hoplite with pierce, which would make it very obvious due to how many multi attacks you get, it might take some real guesswork. It seems like most vuube type mobs, that are almost humanish class as medium.

And yeah, that’s a good point I didn’t consider about the small/medium type mobs. But I don’t think I ever tried with 3 small and 1 that would class as medium, but the ones that I was testing as ‘medium’ were also weak to pierce dmg type, which is what I was testing with, so maybe taht would have an effect as well. I’ll see if I can find out now.

What I’m thinking is similar to your calculation, except that every monsters has a different AOE defence ratio which is close to the size, but not exact (small 1.0, medium 1.5, large 2.0).

And hmmm, after quick test, it does look like I was able to hit 3 small 1 medium. But again the one I’m guessing would be medium is actually same size of mob as the other ones, so I dont know. I guess with the large/medium mobs though, they were all pierce weak, so maybe it has no effect.

Oh I lied, ToSbase actually does have monster size information listed as S , M and L respectively. Could use that to test. And yeah that is possible.

Will negative AOE Defense ratio increase the target count?


Negative aoe atk ratio, will make you hit unlimmited amounts of enemys.
As your aoe atk ratio NEVER decreases to 0.

Seen an Falconer hit like 10 medium mobs with aoe atk ratio of 2, with multishot … at the same time for more hit’s then 16. Way more.

I think there’s still that one video on reddit. Might pull it … might.

And atm i think most small are 1, medium are 2~3 and large are mostly 3 (yognomes for example, have 3. Someone profed it. AOE atk ratio 3, hit’s one egnome. with 4 … he hit’s two.). Sometimes it’s hard to determine if its large or medium…

Not all skills are aoe … but some are hidden aoe’s… with aoe atk ratio of 1 or 0 (hit’s 1 mob, regardless of size).