Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)


But 400atk damage, outside of hardcore multipliers of archers or extremly long dot’s.
Is weak.

In comparision to 80% doge rate, 30k hp+ and an good block rate.
The point of a swordy class in a group is.

Do enough damage to constantly aggro the enemys.
Deal a decent amount continiously.
Don’t die and keep the others alive trough clever aggro managment.

You won’t outscale an Archer or Wiz DPS wise … Or die trying to melee them.

And i looked at it now, how much an pure str build can do.
585 bonus atk. With 17k hp.

Pure vit is 48k hp.

180 vit, 100 dex.
Is about 36k hp and 408 Evasion.

Swordy has an bonus on HP… which isn’t low.
And in the end 600 more or less atk … won’t be felt. When your Archer or wizz dish out higher dps, when you can manage mobs.

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If 400 atk is weak then there’s no reason to ever go Thaumaturge ( spoiler, Thaumaturge are really strong ). Swordie can go Dopp, and get +50% ( or +100% at Dopp2 ) onto that physical attack. When I had a Thauma2 in my party, and I was using deeds of valor lvl 5, I had ~2500 physical attack. And my damage was insane.


Because a huge chunk of the community still believes in things like “Full DEX builds FTW”, “STR/INT are useless”, "“Wugushiit” (srsly, some people said that in front on me in Fedimian lol), “Cataphracts are bad in PvP”, “Oblique Shot spam > All” and “SPR doesnt help against CC”, etc. that were being spreaded during iCBT2. Now we have misinformed people left and right.

The kCBT1~3s didnt help much, with few people really testing anything. Twas necessary that Nexon forced (debatable if true or not) the Open Beta, so Koreans could do some proper testing by themselves.


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Yep. Thats why I plan, somewhere in the future, to make a CON/SPR/DEX 3:1:3 dedicated tank. I just need the heart for that. lol

400 attack is not weak, You don’t need “hardcore multipliers” (are you referring to Musketeer?) for it to be good.

If the damage formula is to be trusted, 400 STR on a target that’s weak against our dmg type will always add this to a skill (but can add much more):

(400*1.5+400)*1.5 *2 = 3000 dmg

400*1,5 *2 = 1200 dmg

These numbers apply to every hit a skill does… if it hits 5 times, it’ll add 15k dmg, etc.

let’s assume we have a base attack of 1000 with 500 crit attack and 1000 skill dmg.

(2000*1,5+500) *1,5 2= 10,500 dmg
now lets add our 400 STR to it
1,5+900) *1,5 2= 13,500 dmg = ~28% dmg increase
Non Crit:
1,5 2= 6000 dmg
Add 400 STR
1,5 *2 = 7200 dmg = 20% dmg increase.

Since mob defence is a thing in this game you have to recognize that having a low base-attack value means your multipliers will be extremely weak too, even if you crit 80% of the time instead of just 50%.
So a good mix of Dex+STR should be the way to go imho. And if you have low attack in general, you’ll want more of it as fast as possible.

Warrior has the luxury to get his defence from Block/Crossguard/Finestra/Guardian/pressing C.
If you are playing with Spears you won’t even lose that much damage compared to a 2-h Spear by using a shield.
I’d say the impact of losing the offhand +ele damage is alot bigger.

Crossguard for example doesn’t even work properly with high evasion builds, because you want to block to stagger them and to get that nice +100% pierce dmg modifier, and since the dodge chance is getting calculated before blockchance, you end up not blocking.

I don’t get the money sign bh hp/sp recovery :\

I think it means the the name is tagged for review (GitHub stuff).

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so guys i was at GRYNAS TRAILS, and came up to one of those stones with runes very comon for quests after 210 maps, and it gave me a repeatable quest with 24k silver reward, which asked me to get 3 socket shell, that drop on that same map, i had some with me already so i completed it twice on the run, but when i got 3 more and went back to the stone, its not there ( it was close to the teleport statue)
anyone got any clue about this? maybe its a only at sometimes aviable quest? the map gets some red msgs every now and then. Also the give back simbol looks like dailies at fedimian.

Joint Petalty cooldown is 15sec Overall we have 5 min to link 150 mobs.
C2 linker (8 mobs) = 300(sec in 5 min)/15(sec JP cd)*8(number of mobs linked) = 160 mobs
Party could rely on links alone and have 15 sec to kill pack of mobs with no worry they do not have time to finish

Why no one talk about Ele3, i think EarthTower it is their place to shine.
My party would be:
Any swordman with Pelasta, who can collect mobs and not die. I think it is important not to be overtanky (you lose efficiency) and deal aoe damage as well.
Cleric, same goes for him, too much worthless oversupport is not helpfull at all. I would like something like bokor, druid, doctor
Next Wiz3Ele3 , they have good aoe, and lots of it, even long cooldowns is not a problem, if they dont overuse skills( use to many spells on one group of mobs)
2xArchers who can kill air units and bosses fast. i would take:
Archer-C1,QS-C3, Wugushi-C2, Cannoneer
And For Bosses Archer-C3,QS-C3, Musketter
You can swap Ele for linker in this party build, but ghost mobs can give you a lot of pain and Linker is usless on bosses

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We all know deep inside that 3 archers (all QS3, doesn’t prevet them to get some aoe on top of that), 1 linker2-3/Thauma2-3 (Tanking through hangman + high leveled shrink body) and one priest/whatever will destroy this content.

If those hogmen were the same which had massive blockrate then i suppose a offensive wizard or cleric with good sustained damage would fit perfectly in.


Problem with ele is flying mobs >< and i’m sure there’ll be plenty of them there.

STR is less valuable the more you upgrade your weapon, and if skills have low bases but a good number of multi-hits.
Even still You can maintain a healthy Crit rate from green gems alone. Not including Monstrance.

After this patch all my collections are empty lol, anyone with the same problem? I spent so much time collecting all the items…

All of them are in the Market, you just have to reclaim it and put it back on the collection NPC :smiley:

Do you know why they did it? Oo
Ty for the info.

They do this kind of RESET thingky because they change the collection system to share with all of your character now, that why :smirk:


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It doesn’t increases +25% for party. And if some other archer uses Swift Step you’ll gain your own attribute +%. Let’s say they have only +20%, you’ll get +25% because of your attribute level.