Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Hum, yup, my bad, kinda “forgot” this … Now paladin is, maybe, not gonna stay a pre-200 thing °°

The tos database says there is a monster called Crocoman that drops Harugal Leather <?> Weird, anybody knows where to find this monster? Or just need to hunt Harugal for the leathers?

have you checked orsha?

Thats what im doing hehe, checking the lv49 map.

yah i remember them now, i think i saw some bipedal crocodiles over at tenet counterpart in orsha

IIRC it’s where the 50 dun entrance is located


I have three of it so I see no reason why I can’t add it…
i just spent 1M for those socket horns and now this :disappointed:
tried relogging but to no avail…

Someone can upload the patch files from yesterday (the patch folder files)?

Its not them, they are lv45, nevermind, i bet its a db mistake… Gotta hunt Harugals then

You can place the recipe in the storage, retrieve it, or in the market, cancel fast, etc.

it don’t work… Could it be because I have three chapparitons instead of one? :disappointed: I hate this


I had to store the spare Chappariton Cards to the storage…
Credits to this dude


Dont worry, someone must know how to reset it. There was another way for the kToS, but I can’t recall it now. Someone else will probably know how.
edit: oh, the problem is you cannot place the card there mmmm, strange

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I think.

1 Good Linker (circle 2 atleast), 1 good cleric (priest 3 prefered), 1 SUpportive Wiz (Cryo/Thrauma/chronomancer/Tankyer build), 1 good tank (Possibly with some dps, prefered atks with aoe atk ratio), 1 Archer (with a falconer c2 if possible).

That would be the best party i could think of. Sometimes pure running around with 3 QS3 isn’t going to solve a prolbem … they’re dps is good, but not that good.

If you search for max dps you can dish out TOO A LARGE MOB of monsters, that spawn insanely fast.
Multishot level 15+ Aoe Atk Ratio on your Archer+ Falconer C2= Extrem dps.

At 280, i would be able to easily deal (1,6k21,5=4,8k+crit atk) crits with a multishot hit (without trauma, with it … way more. On non Flyers.).Now let’s do math. If i hit them 16 times and i can hit all of them 16 times (even while link skill is down), that’s alot of dps bursted out.

Falconer builds where a bit waaky … but with that density of high hp mobs, it might be something viable for a group. Even more so if the targets are flying types.

How about wugushi, plague doctor combo? With that huge amount mobs, pandemic is really good skill to use + incineration.

That’s true too.

But sadly cd on wugushi is a bit high. I think plague doctor could be taken up by the cleric too if possible.

Perfect team full build out:
Cleric>3priest>2Driveby>Plague (CD reduce, Good Aoe, Good Support buffs)
Wiz, Cryo, Cryo, Cryo>some dps class with good aoe skills (or templeshooter summon)
Wiz, Pyro, Link3, Trauma3 (Links, some good AOE + massive buff to dps done and reducing atk of enemys)
Sw>High>Pel>Pel>Pel>Some DPS (Maximum amount of aggro+ the dps from pel is underrated… specially with a falconer supporting)
Archer3>QS3>Falconer (Or for QS , Ranger, Sapper. Main clear will be Multishot + Circling/links)

My tought about Archer3 (Falconer 1 C … forgot that circling is circle 1 already now), is that you get a 10 second window each 30 seconds. To wipe the floor clean, what they tank moobed. Then the linker should be up again, clean it up without circling. Circling up again, clean it with that.

Wizz classes dot aoe damage + archer class constant spamming/autoattacking.

  • Switching between full clears between two good synergy skills.

Remember, some skills can be brought into from pardoner scrolls.
Daino etc.

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I was thinking that…then a boss hit me with 9000 Damage…and I’m only have 7000 HP… X_X

Well, tis a Boss, and we have a CON stat, right? :wink:


The boss also have 20lv higher than me :sweat_smile:

You know…Auto-matching of the dead :open_mouth:

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Then get behind a Pavise or a spongy tank. I heard Wizards want to be tanks as well. :open_mouth:

From the look of it, this team will be the best:

  • Healer: Priest C3 + Plague Doctor (heal + aoe dps)
  • Offensive support wiz: Linker C2 + Chrono C3 (cc & support)
  • 3x DPS: QS C3 (single target/boss killer) + Wugushi C2/3 (aoe)

Earth tower -> most monsters are earth element (my guess) so wugushi would be the best choice for dps. They work great with Doctor and Joint penalty too.
Joint Penalty + Running Shot + Wugushi’s poison + Pandemic/incineration = super uber combo.

Can also replace an archer for true tanker & mobber like Pelt C3.


well that’s new, which class(es) besides cryo?