Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I wouldn’t mind seeing circling + an Isa/Wall burst… I bet it would be pretty spectacular.

Hi guys, a little late for the party. But may i ask about the interaction between highlander cartar stroke and crosscut with mounting a companion? I heard there is a patch that says you can use those 2 skills now even when mounted by immediately dismount=>use skill => mount back? Or do they provide proper animation for those 2 skills? If someone can tell me the interaction, it would be pretty appreciated.

I agree! It’s good to see a full group of 280’s having a hard time. About time for some challenge

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I saw a video just today of a cataphract using catar stoke without having to dismount, not sure about the other skill sorry but I would assume it’s the same :slight_smile:

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240 missions > 124lvl map north, thx for help lol(0 help)


At what server do most people make a character for the returned player bonus?

Ausrine! Ausrine!

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Okay, thanks!

Edit:Just a follow up question. Do I need to do anything to be able to receive the bonuses or can I just make a character?
Edit2: Nvm, found it.

Damn, this Smite buff just made it a freaking nuke to Demon/Mutant mobs lol
Pala/Pardoner inc?!
Btw, any1 knows if the Demon/Mutant bonus dmg apply for each hit or if it only applies once for the sum of the 3 hits?

Smite wasn’t already a nuke againt Demon/mutant ? ^^’

No, it wasn’t a Nuke, it was its only use tbh. The damage wasnt that high, especially once the mobs started to get insane amounts of hp… Ofc, it was great for trash mobs, but trash mobs are long gone after 200s apparently

can u guys tell me where is the lv 90 dungeon on the orsha side plz? i can’t find it anywhere @@!

Any good stuff from the event boxes???

You can see the rewards for chests in here:

No. At some point, with no exceptions, everyone in here thought, at least once:

“For fuks sakes, PvE in ToS is too damn easy!”

but the moment something that seems challenging (with enticing rewards) is introduced, tis the most impossible thing, because youre too used to cakewalk through the entire game. No thanks. Now people will have to reevaluate their party comps and strategies.

Honestly, Id like to see in the future, the Earth Tower being tiered (one to five stars difficult, idk), with more floors and harder-to-kill mobs and better rewards.


Yeah, I meant the alphabet one, not the newbie thingy, thanks anyway! =)

anyone figured a good paladin build yet?

Also, when you get talt a window appears and theres a red button if you want to hit it, its 60k, i didnt hit it, i dont know what it is for =(

You can now re-roll the reward you get from Boss Cubes for a fee. If you’re under the effects of a Token, you can re-roll a maximum of two times, if not you only have one re-roll.

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