Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

wizard has a lot better than swordman if you really want to compare!

btw where is the earth tower located?

Paladin buffed, seemed no one cared xD

Is the patch about 600mb??

until they fix that useless ass C2 no one will to be quite honest.

someoneā€™s on it alreadyā€¦ just give our hero some timeā€¦ :clap:

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Can someone explain to me about theā€¦level up patch,i really want to start a new char on vakarine but i already got a char there and i want to get the level up boxes on that server what can i do?

You canā€™t get them on that server, simple as that.
Is for new/returning players, while the Alphabet hunt is for the older ones.

Can someone explain the alphabet event in not korean runes please? xD

You misread my postā€¦i never mean to compare them (since i play both), iā€™m just sad nothing change for them todayā€¦

them 40 lvl 6 exp scrolls at lvl 75 seem op as hellā€¦ lol wish i had that and im lvl 100 atm

i think DiscKZee has done all of the event information , i would recommend checking their post history in this thread if there is something you think is missing

why all the collection items are in the market thing to receive?

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2nd time asking again: where is earth tower located?

Collections are account (server to be precise) shared, but you canā€™t take out the items out of a collection outside of the character that placed them there if Iā€™m correct.

maybe thats why it asks something before placing it in the collectionā€¦ what a drag, putting those items back there again xD so many

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skills done


Cataphract seems a lot nicer now, rush does more damage too:

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