Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Did anyone mention Falconer? :astonished:

Poor Falconer, it is utterly neglected from the previous buff patches recently.
Look how tragedy its C2 skill Blistering Thrash is!

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whoe so great ! Pelt - Roledero got neglected again and nothing improve for wizards either.
Great balance ! Yes !

Maybe they just like them, looks at the Shield classes…

Nothing about Scout and Hunter… FEEL MY RAGE!! :open_mouth:

if you compare wizard to swordman, come on man…

  1. Clerics family


  • The maximum number of buffs apply changes to the default character-based cleric 7.
    *google translate

Oh Yeah… Hail Cleric !!!

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i’m now laughing at the hanging shot changes :smiley:

what is it?


I actually feels bad that they only increased cleric buff limit

Because if i want to use 7 buffs, i’ll still overwrite the buffs of my party members D;

Hopefully, they’ll eventually make everyone have the same limit

Something about you can’t use it with Musket equiped, if you do while in the air you will drop on ground, If I am not wrong.

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yeah, you cant use musket whilst you are hanging anymore & they made it so you can only use 2h bow / 1h bows in the air otherwise the skill cancels itself

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5 million what!!:open_mouth:

A Krivis with Daino lv1 is basically 5M Silver, pass it on.

yeah the google translating is rly fun! hope we get proper translation tomorrow!