Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Hopefully. I don’t think they did much with charge, but rush is way more satisfying now:

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No news on hidden archer class? :""(crying like a child("""

How many hit both Earth Wave & doom spike do before this patch at max level ?

detonate CD 20s
Broom trap lower cd

i love u imc

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What’s the cooldown of bloomtrap now?

Just a reminder in case people are unsure of all of the events going on, it’ll be summarised here in one post.

All events finish on March 10th’s maintenance!

##1) New and Returning Players: Support Box Event

  • Only counts for new players to TOS, or players who have not logged into a server since Feb 3rd.
  • For returning players, servers are counted seperately. (e.g. If you’ve logged into Vakarine recently, but not logged into Ausrine since before Feb 3rd, you’ll be eligible for the event on Ausrine only.)
  • Get a box which you can open up at various levels, up until Lv 100.
  • If you’re eligible, the Lv 15 box should be in your mailbox.
  • Unopened boxes and some items (silver chests and support potions) expire on 24th March.

##2) Alphabet Hunt

  • Monsters drop letter items, spell out ‘Tree’, ‘Savior’ or ‘Tree of Savior’ and exchange them with Magic Association NPCs in Orsha/Klaipeda for boxes.
  • Boxes contain a variety of items, you will randomly receive one of the possible items when opening.
  • Check the contents of the boxes by clicking the buttons beneath each.
  • You can trade 5 of a word (Tree, or Savior only) for a box which has a higher chance for better rewards, but count as 5 boxes to your box limits.
  • T,R,E letters drop for Lv 100 - 140 monsters
  • T,R,E,S,A,V,I,O,R drop for Lv 141 - 180 monsters
  • T,R,E,S,A,V,I,O,R,F letters drop for Lv 181+ monsters
  • Enemies killed by summons and companions do count towards dropping letter items. Recently updated by IMC.
  • Can’t obtain letter drops from monsters 20 levels above or below you. Also can’t obtain letter drops when retrying a failed quest scenario.
  • Limit of 400 Boxes for both Tree and Savior boxes seperately (Tree x5 and Savior x5 boxes count as 5 boxes to the limits), and 50 box limit for Tree of Savior boxes.
  • Some items obtained from the boxes will be non-trade.

##3) EXP Boosts
Gain bonuses to EXP when meeting certain criteria!

  • +30% EXP Bonus when using an Experience Tome. (EXP Booster book)
  • +60% EXP Bonus for attending a PC Cafe
  • +50% EXP Bonus between 6pm and 12 midnight (KST)
  • +20% EXP Bonus when using a Token
  • Total of +160% EXP possible, but only +100% EXP possible for non-Koreans due to no Nexon PC Cafes.

excuse me according to your video Cross Cut now can be used while mount ?

What does the curse effect from featherfoot actually do? I see all skills apply it but it’s not in the mechanic’s guide.

EW is 6 and DS is 4, now they both 5

Featherfoot’s [Curse] effects apply the same [Curse] debuff as Bokor’s Hexing, which is a Magic Defense debuff.

Kurdaitcha’s ‘Additional Damage’ attribute has a chance to make a target inflicted with [Curse] suffer additional damage, this counts for all instances of Curse inflicted by the Featherfoot (and not just from Kurdaitcha), which is where the synergy lies.


it’s hexing, and with kurdaitcha attr you have 3% chance to deal double damage on hexed enemies

just imagine if it proc’d with meteor :open_mouth:

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So, you could hang out with a bokor and he could effigy everything you curse? Effigy just says curse on it not hexing specifically.

Can someone translate all this please and there is more when you scroll down

you become best buddies but only if he enjoys hexing every mob he sees.

Alone, you’ll do just fine since u already got 3 skills with hex (two being aoe)

far as i know, curse = hexing

I’m half tempted to make an ultimate Magic Dmg buffer… Do Wiz, Thaum, FF, with Int set just high enough to get max bonus from swell brain and rest in Spirit for Mdef strip and reflect shield. And then just party with another Wizard that’s running linker.

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It may be tied to guild events,maybe the drops for those schematics are only obtained by guild missions,raids and boss summoning.

All these changes and things, yet Archer is still like.

Yes, Musketeer is that kid that goes saying they are gonna help, but doesn’t do jack ■■■■ and just enjoys themselves.

Edit: Yo, those gears you can get from Earth Tower looks dope.

I think i like the owl fire rate change