Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

usually if you change one of the lines in your xml files you can bypass the website to open the patcher and it can download it for you. I dunno if it’s against the rules to list that info here.


It would be nice and wise to start patching a lil before hand…

more exciting to the patch contents


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I love how they make things easy to anyone who wants to exploit if, lol

Looks like earth tower will come with a shop, something about relic collections, can’t wait to see what it’s like!

Also looks like there’s some gacha cube system coming, using silver to open and TP users can open 2 instead of 1, guess we’ll find out exactly what it is after the update.

There’s 3 different guild events so far:

  • Guild Boss Summon
  • Guild Mission
  • Guild Raid
    Raids have a 2 hr time limit, with a 30 member cap, and needs at least 2 members to begin. There is a 2 min wait time once you enter.

There also seems to be a guild warehouse in the works, so hopefully we’ll see that after maint and possibly some guild permission system.

Finally there also seems to be some type of bidding system coming, either for the auction house or something else, whether it’ll be available in this patch or not is unknown.


Did they remove the crackle from Flesh Cannon’s cast animation? I was looking at the new vid they put up on ToSbase and there was no cackle like it used to have. What’s the point of playing a necromancer if it doesn’t come with an evil laugh anymore?!


patch content up:

swordman finally boost a bit!

  • assault
    : hitting the cycle of skills is reduced .
    : Greater Attack Rate applicable conditions will be changed to be affected by stats and items of character .
    : The skill damage is upward .

Buff cap 7 for cleric
Dievdirby - Owl statue and Carve buffed



Oh nice, so the gatcha cube system looks to be just the normal boss cube drops. You can spend silver to re-open them? Looks like TP users get 2 tries.

Also looks like earth tower is open to 260+ instead of 280 now.

Finally cataphract has some significant buffs, looks like rush might actually be good now. CDR reduction, damage increase and scaling increase.

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you didn’t always get the laugh, there was a variety of things it said when you cast it

Interesting, two class that most of people forgot it’s even exist get buffed (Sapper and Dievdirby)

and something about Card with poison? Don’t tell me… :open_mouth:

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I’m… I’m very worried about a thing I saw on the Token comments…
Edit: there seems to a countermeasure to avoid my fears, we shall see.

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Funny that i made a Diev last week LOL destiny i guess

This time i got almost 90% of the skill changes using google translator lol

Oh thank god… my heart was almost crushed. Still going to make a necro then. Someday…

I think he said he went to sleep some posts ago

the sentiment is mutual :frowning:

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can’t wait trying the swordman normal assault!

Something is for sure: They dont like Peltastas and Rodeleros. :expressionless: